New Type 2 & Overwhelmed

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, lovelies,

I have just been diagnosed with Type 2 and have a meeting tomorrow with GP to discuss medication options.

I've tried to do some research of my own over the weekend and have just found soooooo much information. It's been quite overwhelming.

I'm a mummy to a little boy on the Autistic Spectrum and have quite a hectic life so any advice and information you can share with me to understand this whole process would be invaluable!

Looking forward to meeting some lovely new people.

Danielle 🙂
If a type two is lucky, then just eating a low carb diet is all that is required.
Avoid sugary and starchy foods, pick salads and low carb stir fries, avoid grains and potatoes, fruit juices - the lowest carb fruits are the ones with berries in their common names.
Here's hoping the low carb diet is enough and medication isn't required. Thanks for your response.
Many GPs seem to prescribe Metformin and a statin as a kneejerk reaction for diabetes - I had a dreadful time trying to take those 'safe and effective' medications - got close to suicidal so it is a great incentive to stick to the diet.
Aw goodness! I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.
Hi, Danielle

As Drummer says, if you're one of the lucky ones you can manage this with a low carbohydrate diet. I was diagnosed with an Hba1c of 114, which is really high, but after six months of a strict diet and exercise regime it was down to 41, which is not only below diabetic level but just under pre-diabetic. This without medication, so I count myself as one of the lucky ones.

Fingers crossed for you.


Hi Martin,

Thank you for sharing your experience. I really hope I can manage without medication. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the best foods and the ones to avoid.

Hi @Autism-Mama
As a former carbaholic, rice, pasta and jacket potatoes were my daily main meals and I just couldn’t imagine how I would survive without them, honestly thought I would be so miserable or starve to death 😱
Then I discovered cauliflower....I mean I had it before, it was the bland white stuff used to fill the plate.....but I soon learned it could replace rice, I could fry it, cover it with cheese, mash it with a spoon of mustard, top my cottage pie with it and SO much more! I’m over a year in now and honestly can’t imagine eating bland carbs again, I even prefer my curry or chilli on its own now 😛 with or without diabetes I would never go back to my old ways because I’ve never felt better :D
Hi @Autism-Mama
As a former carbaholic, rice, pasta and jacket potatoes were my daily main meals and I just couldn’t imagine how I would survive without them, honestly thought I would be so miserable or starve to death 😱
Then I discovered cauliflower....I mean I had it before, it was the bland white stuff used to fill the plate.....but I soon learned it could replace rice, I could fry it, cover it with cheese, mash it with a spoon of mustard, top my cottage pie with it and SO much more! I’m over a year in now and honestly can’t imagine eating bland carbs again, I even prefer my curry or chilli on its own now 😛 with or without diabetes I would never go back to my old ways because I’ve never felt better :D

That’s amazing! I’m a breadaholic... can’t picture life without it! I have a lot of adjustments to make!

Not a big fan of cauliflower but I’ll give it a go.
Try LivLife, it’s a low carb option you can get in Waitrose, I use it for toast and sandwiches when I’m in a rush

I’m almost a week since my diagnosis and I’m still learning too. The kind words on this forum really helped me.

I’m sure you will get to grips with things. I’ve had nearly a week now without bread or potatoes (my previous addictions lol) and I’ve been so focussed on getting my blood glucose down I’ve not missed them as I’ve filled up with yummy veg!

Can’t wait to try this mashed cauliflower thing!
Hi and welcome
I’m a mum to my 32 year old son who was diagnosed with T2 a month ago... have been helping him with low carb diet and he’s lost 17lb so far , drummer on here has been full of helpful advice ... my son put on metformin and gliclazide straight away as they said his blood sugars were so high , but we are trying hard as a team to fight this with healthy food and exercise, he used to live on bread, pasta and potato and beer and pizza ! Good luck x Debbie
Hi and welcome
I’m a mum to my 32 year old son who was diagnosed with T2 a month ago... have been helping him with low carb diet and he’s lost 17lb so far , drummer on here has been full of helpful advice ... my son put on metformin and gliclazide straight away as they said his blood sugars were so high , but we are trying hard as a team to fight this with healthy food and exercise, he used to live on bread, pasta and potato and beer and pizza ! Good luck x Debbie
Wow that’s amazing how much weight he has lost so far. Well done to him.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Great advice above but don’t worry too much if you have to start meds, ie Metformin , if you take them with meals many have little or no symptoms ...
Good luck...
Thank you so much to all of you for your lovely words of support and advice.

I met with my Clinician yesterday and he wants to try and manage things without medication until my next check at the end of November.

My HbA1c is currently 56 so I'm hoping I can bring it down myself through a change in diet and exercise.
Thank you so much to all of you for your lovely words of support and advice.

I met with my Clinician yesterday and he wants to try and manage things without medication until my next check at the end of November.

My HbA1c is currently 56 so I'm hoping I can bring it down myself through a change in diet and exercise.

Good luck! I'd say your chances are excellent.
Talking about bread , do you know if it’s frozen, then toasted it somehow reduces the GI value of the bread, and therefore reduces the corresponding rise in BG levels...
Isn't food weird? Like pasta being better for you cold! Plus tomatoes better for you cooked.
Same if you precook and cool pasta, even if you reheat it it provides less of a BG raise...
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