New type 1 diabetic , diagnosed 6 days ago...#Newstruggles#Newlife

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Hi Andy, welcome to the forum 🙂 Very sorry to hear about your diagnosis, how did it come about? There is a very steep learning curve with lots to get your head around, but you will get there! You will learn new things every day, but try not to become overwhelmed and do ask any questions you have - no question is 'silly'! 🙂

I would definitely recommend getting a copy of Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas - considered to be the 'bible' for children and young people on insulin regimes. Just browsing through it can help you to raise questions and learn about what you might expect. Always keep something sugary with you in case of hypos - my hypo treatment of choice is jelly babies, between 1 and 3 depending on how I feel and what the meter is showing me 🙂

It will take a little time to establish appropriate doses of insulin for you. It's likely that you will be very hungry to begin with as your body will have been unable to make use of your food properly prior to your diagnosis, hence the weight loss. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal - I lost 8 kilos in three days prior to my diagnosis and was absolutely ravenous once they had given me insulin! 😱 Also, your eyesight might go a bit blurry as your levels normalise - this is also perfectly normal, and will normally improve within a week or two if it happens. If you are interested in learning how everything works from a fitness point of view, I'd recommend getting a copy of the Diabetic Athlete's Handbook - it's written by an American, so uses different units for blood sugar levels (you have to divide theirs by 18 to get what it would be in UK units, or multiply ours by 18 to get theirs).

Good luck, ask! 🙂

Thank you northerner for the in depth comment it was very useful will check out the things you recommended! 🙂 just randomly went in to the doctors to check something and it turned out it was type 1 originally I thought I had thrush but no that would of been nice haha I do appreciate the advice and will definitely listen to it so thank you 🙂
Hello and welcome Andy 🙂

It is one steep learning curve to start with and a bit mind boggling trying to run just one part of what a body normally does. Take it slowly and bit by bit the pieces of the diabetes jigsaw will start to slot together, I still have days when I'm definitely missing a few pieces of the jigsaw! That's just part of the lovely diabetes challenge, aim for stability and as good control as possible because there is no getting it right all the time, just too many variables at work.

Give yourself time to recover from the turmoil your body has been through lately struggling without insulin before diagnosis, it takes a good while to get back to working order and equilibrium.
This forum is full of lovely, knowledgeable people dealing with the same problems so you are in a very good place for advice and support. I wish you well getting sorted with things 🙂

Thank you flower means alot especially the turn out of people giving me advice and support that itself is slightly over whelping in a good way!! So thankyou for your comment 🙂
Hi my name is Andy , I'm 22 and I've recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes after they found my levels were 33.9 .
Only known for the past 6 days so the specialists are working on balancing my insulin.
I'm on novarapid and levemir as it stands I'm on 5 injections a day but my levels have rarely gone below 15 but hopefully I will see an improvement 🙂 .

My biggest struggle at the moment is trying not to overload my body with food like I usually do lol trying to educate myself more on what is better to eat which is also a pain.

If any body has advice, comments, or just chatting feel free. Would be good to hear others stories .

P.s any carb coating jedi's out there that can slowly educate me would be very appreciated xx
Welcome Andy ! You have joined a good site for info etc. Please keep asking. In a couple of weeks its my 50th year of T1 (a lot of hard work) But has never stopped me from doing anything. Good luck & ask away 🙂
Hi Andy

Good that you found this forum so soon after diagnosis. It can really help to have a bunch of people who 'get it' to bounce questions and ideas off to make your appointments at the Drs/clinic more productive.

I'm another who was Dx'd at almost the same time as you (I was a year earlier at 21 - and 25 years later no D-nasties to speak of). Living with T1 has never really stopped me from doing anything I wanted to do. Some things just take a bit more preparation and lateral thinking 🙂 Keep working away at it and you'll get there!
Welcome Andy ! You have joined a good site for info etc. Please keep asking. In a couple of weeks its my 50th year of T1 (a lot of hard work) But has never stopped me from doing anything. Good luck & ask away 🙂
Thankyou and wow ! Fair play to you you sound like a strong person ! Thank you again 🙂
Hi Andy

Good that you found this forum so soon after diagnosis. It can really help to have a bunch of people who 'get it' to bounce questions and ideas off to make your appointments at the Drs/clinic more productive.

I'm another who was Dx'd at almost the same time as you (I was a year earlier at 21 - and 25 years later no D-nasties to speak of). Living with T1 has never really stopped me from doing anything I wanted to do. Some things just take a bit more preparation and lateral thinking 🙂 Keep working away at it and you'll get there!
Thankyou for the reply all this good advice and people that have battled with it it's an inspiration , so I appreciate you taking the time to message thank you again 🙂
Hi Andy and welcome 🙂

You've already been given loads of good advice, so I'll just say if you have any questions please do ask - someone is sure to be able to help.
Hello thank you for your reply. 🙂 I'm ex army came out last year so like my fitness . But I lost 4kg in two weeks so laying off it for the moment lol being active occasional drinking , other than gaming one of my main hobbies fitness and walking are my active ones .
I'm also ex Army, diagnosed about 1 year after resignining to travel overseas, aiming to emigrate, but diagnosi meant the end of that, plus no chance of professional SCUBA diving, minibus driving etc. Still, back in UK, I'm working in several jobs, including coaching orienteering, teaching bush craft, pond dipping etc, plus led expeditions to Costa Rica, Chile / Falklands / South Georgia, and lots of independent travel, mountain marathons etc. No need to give up alcohol, but a bit of blood glucose testing is part of the deal now.
Hi Andy and welcome to forum. Can't say anything about insulin, but good luck with getting your head around everything.
Hi Andy,

What did you say your bs levels were i am supposed to be type 2 but have high levels one of mine was 27+ diabetes nurse said last week when i went to see her i am being put on insulin too cus of high numbers no other choice.
Let us all know how you get on likewise i am new to all of this too.
Hope you get on ok .

Hi, welcome to the forum!
Make sure you give yourself time to adjust, when I was first diagnosed I found trying to adjust too quickly made things even harder!
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