new to this site, but type 2 for 5 years, need some friendly advise.

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Perhaps you will soon get some proper answers now. I hope your appointment goes well.
Hope it’s a helpful discussion for you, and you are able to confirm your diagnosis either way, so that you can access appropriate treatment.

Let us know how things go.
hi there, I have an update for you and the other kind and friendly people on this forum that gave me advise, I went back to my doctors with my 14 day blood sugars ( ranging from 18 to 25+), they tested my urine and said I had keynotes? I was sent to A+E where I had blood tests and an ECG, back to the doctors friday, sent back to A+E, blood gas test?, got sent to a diabetic ward, they were brilliant, got an 18hr shot of insulin and going back today for some insulin training and lots of insulin, my blood sugar went to 12 last night (baby steps) and the care and support I got was out of this world, I feel very angry that my doctor has let this drag on and not acted sooner ( I had to instegate the last two blood tests and my urine was not tested on either of those occasions, five years, 240 tablets a month with no reduction in blood sugar added to unintentional weight loss is a ridiculous situation, thanks again for you support.
Morning Lustforlife,
I'm really happy to hear that you got someone to listen to you so that you can get insulin. I was worried that your doctor would continue to ignore your concerns and that you'd be very poorly. Glad that you had a better experience with the diabetes ward in the hospital. I hope that now you're getting the insulin, you'll be able to put some weight back on, as your body will be able to process and use food properly now.
It's ketones, rather than keynotes btw, it's a bad sign if they're in your urine, it shows that you're quite poorly.
Really glad that you've made progress and got the proper treatment.
Thanks for updating us, Sarah
So pleased that you are at last getting the right treatment and good support. Sadly you are not the only one to find themselves in this situation, just really pleased that the forum members were able to give you enough information to fight your corner effectively and get the appropriate treatment at last.

This is probably now probably just the start of your journey with diabetes (the last 5 years being a false start) and balancing BG lecvels with food and exercise and insulin and all the other things which impact BG can be quite a complicated business, so do feel free to ask any questions you have here. I know it was all quite a whirlwind of information when I first started on insulin and a lot of the stuff the nurses said went over my head, but the good people here on the forum were able to fill in the blanks for me and help me make sense of it all.... well as much sense as you can make of a rather complicated juggling act that takes a lot of time and practice (ie experience) to get reasonably good at it. 🙄

Anyway, let us know which insulins they start you on and how you get on with them and ask about Freestyle Libre sensors to monitor your BG. They should be offered to all Type 1s on prescription now and whilst I appreciate you probably won't have Type 1 confirmed yet, it doesn't harm to ask now and keep asking until you get it.
Freestyle Libre is the sensor which is applied to your arm and allows you to scan it to get your glucose levels, allowing you to check levels 100 times a day if you wish but more importantly, allowing you to see what your levels are doing overnight and setting off alarms if you go too high or too low.

Best of luck and keep us posted with your progress.
So pleased that you are at last getting the right treatment and good support. Sadly you are not the only one to find themselves in this situation, just really pleased that the forum members were able to give you enough information to fight your corner effectively and get the appropriate treatment at last.

This is probably now probably just the start of your journey with diabetes (the last 5 years being a false start) and balancing BG lecvels with food and exercise and insulin and all the other things which impact BG can be quite a complicated business, so do feel free to ask any questions you have here. I know it was all quite a whirlwind of information when I first started on insulin and a lot of the stuff the nurses said went over my head, but the good people here on the forum were able to fill in the blanks for me and help me make sense of it all.... well as much sense as you can make of a rather complicated juggling act that takes a lot of time and practice (ie experience) to get reasonably good at it. 🙄

Anyway, let us know which insulins they start you on and how you get on with them and ask about Freestyle Libre sensors to monitor your BG. They should be offered to all Type 1s on prescription now and whilst I appreciate you probably won't have Type 1 confirmed yet, it doesn't harm to ask now and keep asking until you get it.
Freestyle Libre is the sensor which is applied to your arm and allows you to scan it to get your glucose levels, allowing you to check levels 100 times a day if you wish but more importantly, allowing you to see what your levels are doing overnight and setting off alarms if you go too high or too low.

Best of luck and keep us posted with your progress.
hi there, I have been treated like gold at the AEC unit at hospital, instead of me pleading with my surgery about scary weight loss, they kept referring to it and said it was as urgent as my constantly high blood sugar, ive been taken off metformin ( it can contribute to weight loss, no one told me that at my doctors!), that's 120 less tablets a month!,and 4 a day for 5 years!, ive been told to continue taking, Gliclazide and Alogliptin, and now have a Lantus pen, once a day, 12units and a Humalog pen, for before meals ( I need to check this, I persume that's "main meals" not snacks,) like you said, so much information to take in, so last night, first Lantus injection and a Humalog one before my dinner, I found it very easy to do ( brilliantly taught by a nurse on Saturday afternoon at AEC), an my sugar this morning was 13, the lowest for 5 years, I also slept, no 2am pee!, baby steps, I know, but you have no idea how happy I feel, they said I should gain weight pretty quickly, and predicted a 12ish blood sugar to start with and lower next week, thank you so much for your support, its been a huge help.
Thanks for the update @LUSTFORLIFE

Glad to hear things are working well for you.
So very, very happy for you. I can totally relate to sleeping right through without a pit stop and I find that I sleep much more deeply when my BG levels are lower, so hopefully your quality of sleep will improve as well as being undisturbed.

My only concern would be them keeping you on the Type 2 meds and particularly the Gliclazide and I would be inclined to query that. It works by stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin BUT when your insulin producing beta cells are already diminished, as is the case in Type 1 or LADA, it can effectively flog them to death, whereas starting you on insulin can take the pressure off them and preserve those you have left. Maybe just ask about the logic of continuing with that medication and also ask about Type 1 testing. They stopped my Gliclazide as soon as I was started on insulin and I believe NICE guidance is for Glic not to be used with Type 1.
I can totally vibe with your excitement of not having to get up to wee at 2am (and 1,3,4,5,6 and 7am too).

After a long hard battle with doctors surgery to get anything done, my DSN was like night and day to work with.
Insulin has been a game changer and been a short journey through long acting then onto fixed mealtime doses and now carb counting.

I honestly cant stop smiling at how much better I feel for having more managed bg. Even the reduction when I got to the low teens was amazing. Just you wait until you get it more normal :D
Thank goodness you finally have been 'spotted' and taken notice of @LUSTFORLIFE- I'd be sure to give that snappy nurse a hard stare if our paths crossed in future.
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