New to insulin pump

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Hi Lorraine

I am glad that you are gradually getting things sorted with you pump. Have they talked to you about using temporary basal rates during and/or after exercise. It took me time to work out the reductions I needed for different types and lengths of exercise but it is this flexibility that is a big bonus of having the pump.
Hi SB2015 they have yes I use a temp basal, but haven't worked out what and how long after a run, i think I have it, but catches me out every time lol.
Hi Lorraine
Like with so many things it is just try it, test it, review and adjust.
I found that keeping records for each of the different exercise things that I do helped me to spot patterns.
Sometimes these were not obvious, and I realised that I needed to keep other factors the same.

For example when trying to sort out my TBR for Pilates, this is what I did to sort it out ( eventually)
I kept to the same breakfast each time beforehand,
I set a TBR ( for me 30%) half an hour before leaving ( the change in basal will not take effect for a while)
I walked there and and eat a small apple on the way no bolus
I kept to the same exercise programme for a while
I reset TBR to 50% when I left to walk home and kept that running for I hour to account for the restocking my muscles​
This took me a lot of trial and error to get to but it seems to work now

Next I want to sort out what to do for a Swim for Fitness class. Lots more guessing, testing reviewing adjusting. But once sorted I know it will be worth it ( and I will need to register for another 10 classes to use it once sorted - until my body decides to change again!)

Keep at it Lorraine it is definitely worth it.
Yes - when you need to change a BG at 7 o'clock, you'd have to change your basal rate from 5 o'clock - takes 2 hours to have any noticeable effect.
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