New statin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just to let you know I started the new one last night and feel the same as I did with the last one. Sick, thick headed and shivery.........I don't think I'm taking one tonight. :(
Oh nooo, that's not good. And now you don't have any alternatives left???:(
That's a shame, but it does look like there's something about the way they work that really affects you. You might find it interesting to read The Great Cholesterol Con which gives another view of the seemingly accepted view that cholesterol is bad for you. It helped me to decide whether I should continue taking statins a while back, and also the statistic that they reduce risks of cardio vascular disease in only 3 out of every 100 people who take them. There may be other options the doctor can try, but he should also be aware of this news story:
I hope you are feeling better. Is it possible a virus has co incided with the start of a new statin?
Thanks all, I think my relationship with statins is over. Caroline - they thought it was co-incidence the last time! I think it's definitely the statin.x
Thanks Northy for your info, had a look at that news story! Dr told me the other day that 1 person in 40 would benefit and that's pretty much what the report says. Not very good figures when you take into account the side effects and possible negative outcome. I'm very upset at the moment as it 's all just got too much for me. I'm not taking the statin anymore but I don't look forward to telling the doctor, I'm worried about my DLA form as a lot of the stuff on there I have now discovered was caused by the statins. I'm worried about everything! Just having a very tearful moment!! Thanks everyone for bearing with me.
Hi Flutterby. I'm really sorry that the statin didn't work for you. Sending you more virtual hugs
Thanks Northy for your info, had a look at that news story! Dr told me the other day that 1 person in 40 would benefit and that's pretty much what the report says. Not very good figures when you take into account the side effects and possible negative outcome. I'm very upset at the moment as it 's all just got too much for me. I'm not taking the statin anymore but I don't look forward to telling the doctor, I'm worried about my DLA form as a lot of the stuff on there I have now discovered was caused by the statins. I'm worried about everything! Just having a very tearful moment!! Thanks everyone for bearing with me.

Hey, you weren't to know that, plus your doctor didn't really agree by saying it was coincidence, so no guilt trips young lady! 🙂 And don't worry about telling the doctor what you think - we've found many times that they don't (can't) know everything, and never what the patient is actually experiencing. My cholesterol went down to 2.4 and the doctor couldn't really say whether that might be bad for me, plus there's also the issue of Q10 that was mentioned in another thread today. Mind you, I have a cholesterol check coming up in a week or so and I'm still worried what they might say about it!
Shall I lecture you Northy?! Don't you get worrying! We can't help worrying can we and I know I'm going to come under pressure from the docs. When I'm in a stronger place mentally and emotionally I can cope but right now I do not need pressure, I'm at the end of my tether. I've done all they have asked of me but my body wont tolerate this medication. I don't want to try another I've had enough. What I want is the chance to get my life back on some sort of track and find out how the stroke has really affected me without the influence of this medication which keeps knocking me back. I've had to have my dad with me today whilst Paul was at work as I felt too ill to be alone. That's just no good. I really appreciate your kindness, thanks.x
That's a shame, but it does look like there's something about the way they work that really affects you. You might find it interesting to read The Great Cholesterol Con which gives another view of the seemingly accepted view that cholesterol is bad for you. It helped me to decide whether I should continue taking statins a while back, and also the statistic that they reduce risks of cardio vascular disease in only 3 out of every 100 people who take them. There may be other options the doctor can try, but he should also be aware of this news story:

By the way Northy I'm going to order this book, looks interesting and informative.
2 days!!!!!!!!!!! 2 days!!!!!! sorry just read the review!! Thanks again.

I know! Not forgetting of course that these are statistics, but in the same manner it is statistics that lead to them being prescribed. As with anything, I'd rather know the opposing views and assess my personal risk/return based on the persuasion of the different arguments. My GP did flinch a little when I admitted stopping them, but wasn't overly concerned once I had explained my reasons. I've been going through similar agonies with aspirin! (Whether to take them or not, that is!)
Yes aspirin is another one isn't it? I'm on 75mg a day now, never took it before the stroke though. It doesn't interfere with my asthma and so far no problems that I know of and at least I can see a genuine reason for me to take that. I anticipate living at least a week longer with it!!
Before you go rushing off to buy the book have a look at
This has reviews of Kendrick's book and others, and some useful stuff on Q10 and statin side-effects. I've stopped my use of statins because of muscle problems and I also take the 75mg enteric coated asprin to try and avoid stomach problems. I'm currently trying Niacin to reduce cholesterol levels (without an enormous effect), and the hot flushes are an interesting side effect every now and then.
Thanks for the link Vic, I had forgotten about that. I'm on the enteric coated aspirin too, never quite sure if it upsets my stomach or not - might be other things - but certainly better than the ordinary stuff.
Sorry to hear the side effects hit you again Flutterby, and in your shoes I think I wouldn't take statins either. Interestingly I read something only yesterday which indicated that the research which links cholesterol with risk of heart disease is always in the presence of a high carb intake. Where carb intake is low (or possibly medium?) lipid metabolism does not seem to break down and higher fat intake/cholesterol does not appear to correlate with increased risk.

Never know what to think about all these claims and counter claims myself :(
It's a pity that yet again the statins are having a adverse effect on your health Flutterby. The other day I was reading a article about statins and the evidence does suggest that they are effective in preventing strokes and heart attacks, but living a life with side-effects such as you are experiencing does not warrant their usage. Before stopping taking them altogether, speak with the Stroke Association to ask for their view on statins and hopefully they may offer some practical advice to you.
I had to come off statins because of liver problems and the doc put me on Bezalip Mono (Bezafibrate) and so far I've had no trouble and my cholesterol has come down.
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