New research in Diabetes distress, Stigma and self care

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:( Down with the dreaded lurgy at the moment, oh the joys, I should have had the flu jab!! Dr on my call to her this morning, please keep checking your levels, we don't want you landing in hospital. Quite right!!
Thank you so much Steve, every voice matters and can have an impact on the bigger picture and can contribute to change, thank you for your time.
Hi Rene

Is there a reason why you. Hose to limit your study to those with T2?
Hope your u are managing your levels with your cold.
Hi Rene

Is there a reason why you. Hose to limit your study to those with T2?
This is a great question. I was understandably disappointed to have to limit it to type 2 as I am Type 1. The reason is that stigma is a very new subject in diabetes and the scale for type 1 is still in development by the same company in Aus who developed the Type 2 scale that I have used in this study. To my knowledge I am the first to research stigma related to diabetes in the UK. Who knows, maybe after I finish this thesis I can look at doing something with Type 1, that's if the scale is done by then.
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