New research in Diabetes distress, Stigma and self care

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Rene Droomer

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am Rene Droomer, a postgraduate student at the University of Derby and a fellow person with diabetes. I am undertaking research in Diabetes distress. stigma and self care. 1. If you are 18 years or older, 2. are resident in the UK and 3. have a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, I hope you will consider taking part in my online research. Participation is completely anonymous and it should take no more than about 15 minutes of your time.

Please click on the link below if you are willing to contribute to furthering research and treatment outcomes in diabetes.
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Yes but you have to contact site Admin here to get it approved on this forum - not DUK itself. At the moment we only have your word for it and we don't know you, do we? So you could tell us black was white and say Stephen Hawking agreed! LOL
Questionnaire ✻submitted✻
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@Rene Droomer I've done it, but I think you'll get more responses if you don't have War and Peace written on page 2. Also the repeat questions are frustrating.

Nevertheless good luck.
Hi Nick, thank you for your participation, I agree with you on the repetition in the questions, unfortunately I had to use standardised survey questionnaires that are clinically validated so there is a bit of repetition and the stigma scale is also a very new field of study so it helps to get respondents to further develop effective measures. I will look into the WAR and PEACE bit. Thank you for the feedback.
I took part in the HOBIE worlds in South Africa many years ago, a great crowd!!
Well done ! One of my regrets in life, I got the chance to do the European champs. I had to get my van with a Hobie cat on the roof to Lake Garda Italy. Hope it was safe to do in SA. No sharks or things with lots of teeth. The speed of a Hobie in force 5/6 is brilliant. 😉 My boat was called Flyone. (& it did) :D
Well done ! One of my regrets in life, I got the chance to do the European champs. I had to get my van with a Hobie cat on the roof to Lake Garda Italy. Hope it was safe to do in SA. No sharks or things with lots of teeth. The speed of a Hobie in force 5/6 is brilliant. 😉 My boat was called Flyone. (& it did) :D
Hobie on the roof, that must have looked a sight and been tricky. No sharks in sight at the worlds, just loads of very keen sailors. Good memories.
I drove through Islington when I was working there. Astra van with two hulls & mast on roof. 23ft mast. Did the Nationals on the weekend & back to work on the Monday. Great times. I was the last boat on the water the weekend Mr Fish said it was not going to be windy ? Grafham cat open. 🙂
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