New pump For Xmas !

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Good news and the 640g is super I can assure you as I have one.

From one big kid to another :D What a lovely Christmas prezzy
Great news. 🙂
Yay that's a brilliant Christmas present 🙂
Love mine.
I got my upgrade letter yesterday, so I too will be getting the 640g on the 23rd of November.....yay......🙂
Excellent, you two! Of course any disappointing differences between the new and the old will be far more noticeable than the benefits at first but after a short while, you'll forget anything that you were disappointed with, cos the benefits will well outweigh any snags you first thought it had.
Been to see DSN today & it is coming in Jan now. I must have been naughty & Santa found out :D
LOL Hobie - but it is something to look forward to in that 'slightly flat' bit of the year just after Xmas when everything is sort of quiet and nothing very interesting seems to be happening !
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