New procedure could improve success rate of cell transplant to cure type 1 diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
New research suggests pretreating cells with a peptide hormone may improve the success rate of pancreatic islet cell transplants, a procedure that holds great promise for curing Type 1 diabetes. The results will be presented Saturday, April 2, at the Endocrine Society's annual meeting, ENDO 2016, in Boston.

About 1.25 million children and adults in the United States have Type 1 diabetes. The condition occurs when the body's immune system attacks the pancreas and prevents it from making insulin, the hormone that helps the body regulate sugar in the bloodstream. The body's pancreatic islets -- tiny clusters of cells that produce the hormone insulin -- die off as a result. People with Type 1 diabetes need to take insulin injections multiple times a day to stay alive.
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