New NICE guidance for CGM/Libre in T1 and T2

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I have actully been wanting to try dexcom to see if i get ob with it beter but cant aford it
However my phone not comtabible so will also need a reciver
However my phone not comtabible so will also need a reciver
If you are technical, you can use an alternative app such as xDrip to receive Dexcom data without the Dexcom app.
xDrip is compatible with more phones but it is not supported or official.
Yes, sort of. From
Offer adults with type 1 diabetes a choice of real-time continuous glucose monitoring or intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM, commonly referred to as ‘flash’) based on their individual preferences, needs, characteristics, and the functionality of the devices available. See box 1 for examples of factors to consider as part of this discussion. [2022]​

So I think it ought to dramatically increase rtCGM, but maybe it'll be flash for most of us? (And maybe Libre 3 will be out by the time this comes into effect anyway.)

Yes, looks rather similar to the current T1 advice. Which is a big step forward.
Thank you for the 'flash' explanation. I've not heard if it before 🙂
Thank you for the 'flash' explanation. I've not heard if it before
My only involvement was copy and paste, but the "intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring" phrase is a nice way of explaining it. It's not just (or even primarily) about avoiding finger pricking: it's about creating a 24x7 record of values (like a CGM does).
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