New issue of 'Balance'

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There are some things in Balance I have liked, particulary the eating disorders story in the last issue. The carb counting information a few issues back I think was good to see also.
But overall i think it is too simple, the information is just too basic for me. I raised this point last year when i went to a DiabetesUK focus group and they said they would pass the info on to the Balance team. I think the problem is trying to cater for everyone, 90-95% of people with diabetes are type 2, then you've got people who have been diagnosed a week and those diagnosed 30 years. I also find that I have already read about much of the news etc. on the web months before I see it in Balance.

Seems the consensus is that they are trying to do too much with Balance and spreading things too thin.

I can see that it is difficult to cater for the wide range of needs of all the diabetics. As sofaraway says, there are type 1, type 2, newly diagnosed, those who have lived with it for years, carb counting, pumps. It would be easy to say split the magazine for different types, but there is general info that is applicable to all of us with Diabetes so thats not always the answer either. I don't envy them the task of trying to get the right 'Balance' (apologies, I couldn't help myself)

On the other hand, I think the layout of the magazine and their website could be done a lot better. Following simple rules to make the presentation cleaner, and more concise and the information therefore easier to find would be a big step forward.

Maybe I am remembering wrongly but i'm sure I read something that said it was RNIB, thats right isn't it? the charity for the blind? That their magazine was approved by them as it's easy to read.
Looking at this months I'm sure I am making that up!
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