New inmate on the block :~)

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Hi Ethical and welcome

I had a couple of bad weeks when first started taking metformin but now seems to have settled down, must be one of the lucky ones!
It does seem a common problem but I'm hoping to put it behind me (sic) soon.

My daughter has been learning to play the guitar for just over a year now so i could be coming to you with all her questions because i dont have a clue!🙂

Ah, the dangerous age. I've been learning for forty years, on and off, and have reached the point where I realise that I know nothing :~)

Questions aren't a problem and I never tire of talking about music and guitars (just ask my wife) :~)

Ouch ! Better read Maggie Davey's Open Letter to newly Dxed T2s in our LINKs section.

Thanks for the heads up.

This seems to be in direct contradiction to the advice given by my GP and DSN. I guess I'll have to investigate further.

Thanks for the heads up.

This seems to be in direct contradiction to the advice given by my GP and DSN. I guess I'll have to investigate further.


Hello again,
Hi there,
So its back to basics then.
the foods you are in a titanic struggle with are starchy carbohydrates ( potatoes, cereal, flour, bread, rice, pasta - and probably fruit ). A Fact of Life they might not have made clear to you .

read these three links below ... and read them again...
Jennifer's Smart Advice ( thought by some to be the best advice a T2 is ever going to get )

An Australian T2 Guru points the way ...

Wallycorker's thread about his petition, he is petitioning 10 Downing Street to think about changing the advice you have been given ,....
Thanks Vince that gives me hope for the future.

I've suffered with IBS for over 25 years now with things gradually worsening with the years but I've really had a sharp increase in both severity and length off attacks since being diagnosed.

The Diabetes seems like a walk in the park compared to the IBS at the moment but I guess I'm used to watching my diet and exercise - although exercise is problematic just now :~)

As for musical talent... sometimes love is enough.


Hi again Ethical, I've been on codeine phosphate for the IBS and it certainly works for me. Have you tried this ? I know they don't like putting you on it as it can lead to being "addicted" to it - OK, so I am, but it stops the runs for me. If I leave off one dose, the next day I'm rolling in pain and running to the loo and that was before the dreaded Diabetes came along so I can't blame the Metformin for that (TMI, sorry !). They did all the uncomfortable/undignified tests for anything else causing it and they all came back negative - thank goodness.

As for love sometimes being enough - I agree ! but I'll still happily be in the virtual band audience.

Best wishes,
Thanks for the links Peter I'll go through them tonight.

Vince, I use Codeine Phosphate as my last resort. I've probably had more over the last 3 months than in the previous 9 :~)

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