• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

New guy here.


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi folks,
I'm type 2, insulin dependant. Also on Metformin and trulicity. Had foot pain for the past 6 months, sometimes feels likes on fire. Just been told I have suspected charcot foot syndrome. Looking online at details is scary. Anyone any advice?
Oh dear - not news a single one of us on here wants to hear, because unless we or a close relative actually suffer from it - there is still little info available about it, generally which is I wholly agree - scary. Plus like an awful lot of things 'it depends on how it affects people'. Hence all I can suggest for advice is to ensure you are being regularly seen and advised by experts in that field - not just by your GP surgery.

There are a few members of the forum who do have it but not lots, since fortunately it still seems rare - hence I can only remember one name so I'm calling her up for you - @Flower .
@tonym68 I found this but you have probably already seen it in your searches:
The charcot foot
That looks like a terrible condition to have and you have my best wishes that following the approach in the leaflet, you recover the use of the foot again.
Hi @tonym68 and welcome to the forum. I do hope you get some help from an expert in this field and relief from the pain.
Hi and welcome @tonym68

I'm sorry you've been told you have suspected Charcot foot. It is a frightening complication and sadly awareness of it is still really low. Time is of the essence if Charcot is suspected, things can change rapidly as I found out to my cost - this was pre internet/forum and I'd never heard of Charcot nor had the Dr I saw who diagnosed a sprain.

Has your foot been put in a cast or aircast boot to protect it from damage, are you using crutches? Immobilising the affected foot/leg is the first step to protect the inflammed foot and limit any damage. Are you being seen at a diabetes podiatry clinic? If not request an urgent referral
Have they got a plan to establish whether you do have Charcot and have you had any scans or XRays yet?

This information is from Diabetes UK

Take it very seriously, as you've discovered online it is a devastating complication but there's so much you can do to protect your feet and prevent or limit any bone destruction before things progress. If your feet are still foot shape but swollen, hot & painful then with careful management, patience, and a helping of good luck things can calm down. It doesn't have to end badly but it does take a lot of patience and care to look after your feet ongoing. Keeping your blood glucose in range as best you can is vital as is being very vigilant of your feet, any abrasions, blisters, colour change get help from a diabetes podiatrist asap. Don't wait to see if things will improve.

Wishing you well. I hope you get urgent help and advice and hopefully not a confirmation of Charcot foot.
Thanks so much for your helpful message @Flower

Sorry to hear about your suspected Charcot Foot @tonym68

Hope you are able to get a referral for timely treatment of Charcot is confirmed.