New government spending review and diabetes

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can i come tooo ive got my own tent xxx
I hope not! I can't always afford to put petrol in the car let alone get meds!

The MyLife Pura strips are ?14 for 50!
yip im about that ?25 for 50 for my test strips its strange that the prices vairy pending on what test monitor you use
Shiv - I cant find the letters I sent to my PCT, MSP etc. I have changed computers since I sent them, and I dont think I transferred them over - sorry. I am not sure how much use they would have been anyway as they were about the SIGN (Scottish) guidelines, waiting times and pregnancy.

Basically I was saying how short sighted it was to not fund pumps when the possible complications which we would be more likely to have without one, would cost far more to treat.
😱 really can't believe what i am reading. Surely not. I think its disgusting Shiv that you aren't able to get a pump. Threaten them with a Lawsuit!

As for the rest of it...i'll join you all at no 10 and i would sue them too of they made us pay...i mean its not like we have a choice in the matter...madness....
anyone who thinks we are safe because we are a growing community is crazy, the Tories have went after the sick and at risk every time they have been in power,
do you think its coincidence that they are wanting rid of test strips, there is a growing mood within the NHS that we are a drain on the NHS ,
so far i have had to fight my own health care providers about my test strips, now im being attacked by the job center for not applying for a job that i did apply for[thnx royal mail your incompetence will cost me big time ], they are wanting to make massive cuts and its us the sick and unemployed who will feel the brunt of their cuts,

not having a pop at anyone just my 5 min rant
anyone who thinks we are safe because we are a growing community is crazy, the Tories have went after the sick and at risk every time they have been in power,
do you think its coincidence that they are wanting rid of test strips, there is a growing mood within the NHS that we are a drain on the NHS ,
so far i have had to fight my own health care providers about my test strips, now im being attacked by the job center for not applying for a job that i did apply for[thnx royal mail your incompetence will cost me big time ], they are wanting to make massive cuts and its us the sick and unemployed who will feel the brunt of their cuts,

not having a pop at anyone just my 5 min rant

I agree William. Don't even start on jobcentres my boyfriend works in one, so I know how bad it is and that it will only get worse.

As for free prescriptions, even under Labour there was a growing feeling that people who 'brought things on themselves' should not be entitled to any free NHS care, that seemed to include drunk people and fat people among others, that could well be how they start the attack at least on type 2s - they would portray it as a self-inflicted disease which only fat people get. We all know that is completely untrue but the general public is not as informed as we are, and the media doesn't help matters.
What? You don't think that the people who runs hospitals are doctors or nurses do you?

So Dave now wants to freeze my pay, make me work harder by not letting us recruit more staff, especially the immigrants the NHS relies on, then kick me out of my job and make me pay for my prescriptions?!?! Now i know why i didn't vote for him (not that it did any good, i got overuled by the rest of Northampton South).

If I have to pay 7pound 50 a box for my meds they can jolly write me prescriptions for test strips!!!
Just heard from my DSN that my PCT (South Birmingham) is about to undergo huge budget cuts, which means I have no chance of getting a pump. Wonderful.

PCT's are not allowed to refuse pumps on money grounds, So you should argue it.
/hi Everyone

I will definately have a problem with this, even though i buy my own test strips and lancets because surgery won't put them on repeat. i also have to have life saving epileptic drugs, and have just had it confirmed i have arthritis, so i will need drugs there too. as i am on benefits and they are cutting them, i will not be able to afford them either.

I agree if they brought our troops out of illegal wars, they would save millions.

PCT's are not allowed to refuse pumps on money grounds, So you should argue it.

Oh I know - but because I don't meet the guidelines, they're refusing me one. And the reason they are now taking the guidelines as gospel is because they can't afford to fund them for everyone. So yeah.
Oh I know - but because I don't meet the guidelines, they're refusing me one. And the reason they are now taking the guidelines as gospel is because they can't afford to fund them for everyone. So yeah.

Shiv, have you asked for a referral to another hospital? Sometimes just the very fact you ask can spur them on! I know all the children get referred to UCLH - do you know if they have an adults diabetes team? It might be worth asking on the list. Sorry you have been refused a pump - you are the perfect candidate as you take a pro-active role in your diabetes care and i know that you would benefit greatly from a pump.:(🙂Bev
Shiv, have you asked for a referral to another hospital? Sometimes just the very fact you ask can spur them on! I know all the children get referred to UCLH - do you know if they have an adults diabetes team? It might be worth asking on the list. Sorry you have been refused a pump - you are the perfect candidate as you take a pro-active role in your diabetes care and i know that you would benefit greatly from a pump.:(🙂Bev

Or Bournemouth, perhaps? Personally, I think that if you've had diabetes since early childhood you should automatically get a pump (if you want one). But obviously that would be expensive.
I am keen to be referred somewhere if there is a chance I could get one, but being as I don't technically meet the guidelines, I don't want to go through the hassle of a referral only to keep being refused.

I've emailed INPUT but haven't heard anything back yet. I'm got an appointment with the consultant on July 1st so I'm going to push with the psychological reasons - like Bev said, very proactive with my healthcare, been at it 19 years and quite simply need a break from the constant injections. I consider myself lucky to get half decent control on MDI but I know it's not the way I want things to stay.

Does anyone know how I would go about finding out my realistic chances at different clinics eg London? Sam might be able to put me in touch with a DSN from Bournemouth but I have no idea about anywhere else.
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