New diagnosis

Hi, there is a lot to take in and almost everybody finds it difficult to start to get ones head round all the information and formulate an altered or new lifestyle to bring things under control, don't despair, I guarantee what seems like an impossible mountain to clime gets easier as you get used to things!
Sage advice above, take it one step at a time, start with the easy things until you learn more, even its an easy thing like no sugar in beverages or no chips or pastry products its a good, useful and beneficial step! I started with testing all the time, making food diaries etc etc to a point it almost took over my life. Now only test after evening meal, if that, and know in my head all the foods I can eat and their carb content, still on no meds. It will take you at least a year or so to settle down. It does get much much easier as you get used to a new regime so you can get on with life almost as normal.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply with your experiences, I was 77 at diagnosis. I went shopping today and checked saturated fats and salt and never even thought about carbs. That's fantastic you're back to normal numbers now and thank you the information about a blood glucose tester.
I only ever consider the carbs these days - and for the last almost 8 years now.
I have been feeling so much better than when being nattered to watch out for other aspects of eating - for my first meal today I ate 5 eggs, scrambled with cheese and two tomatoes - I've never eaten so many eggs in one go before - ever and then I added cheese - two different kinds - after no cheese for weeks - but I just felt the need for some reason, so I cooked and ate it. I must say I feel a lot better for it - oh, and I added salt.
I have not felt the need to eat breakfast for a while - maybe it is the cooler weather.
Since stopping the carbs I have been losing weight - no calorie counting, or avoiding saturated fat - if I had four sausages - as long as they were low carb ones, I would eat the sausages and leave other foods. It doesn't feel like living dangerously.....