I will get a libre 2 next week apparently so still trying to do it all with a BG meter and am feeling a bit like a pincushion!I was thinking lada also. Glad you have got the right diagnosis. Have you got a cgm ( vontinous glucose monitor) like libre 2 or dexcom? If not, ask for one, they are a game changer! You get alarms if you go too low, and at list probably best set alarms around 4.5 or 5 so you have time before you go hypo)
Did they mention where you jab can make a difference? Bum is slowest, i tend to save for long acting insulin. I use thigh and legs which i find medium action. Tummy is quickest, i tend to keep that for when i need to bring high glucose down/ correction.
Are you carb counting yet? What insulins are you on? And do you have hypo treatment - i use glucose tablets, though i also find jelly belly jelly beans good and conveniently one carb each.
Welcomecto the lada club. It is a bit much at first but does get easier!
You may find walking with rapid insulin on board can bring your bs down quckly, so watch out for that. You will soon learn how to offset that with glucose (well, it took me a year but i was particularly plummety...plus libre tends to overreact, unlike dexcom)
I am seeing someone at the hospital later this week to try and explain it all a bit more to me. I think they were trying not to overwhelm me last Thursday so just put me 4 units of Novorapid before meals and 8 units of Abasaglar as long acting in the morning. I’m still very ignorant about correcting if high (no idea how yet) and havent started to carb count properly yet, though I will. I also find I don’t know exactly when to take the Novorapid (for example I had to go to drinks and supper the other day and had no idea if I should have taken the insulin before the drinks and snacks or before the actual food. I did the latter and just didn’t eat or drink beforehand but felt a bit left out. Anyway, lots and lots to learn. Good tip about site injections, didn’t know that either! Actually my biggest problem at the moment is that I have absolutely no idea if I am high or low, I really don’t feel any different whether it‘s 5 or 13.5 so each reading is a bit of a shock. I guess the libre 2 will help with that. I need to get some hypo sweeties too, though thankfully haven’t gone below 4.8 yet. Thanks for all the good advice, I’m most grateful.