New diagnosis type 1

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys, diagnosed last Tuesday as diabetic. Completely from left field. Started on tablets which did nothing, so insulin was started pretty rapidly. My consultant thinks i was diagnosed just before I developed DKA I’ve gone from BMs of over 30 to now between 8-14. I feel really anxious and restless. I’m assuming this is normal and it’s my body adjusting . Hb1Ac was 153!!!! Any advice and or reassurance greatly appreciated.
Hi there. I have had Type 1 for near 30 years now and i still remember how it was back then. I was ok with it as in mind, nothing bothers me much though. But to get the nack of it was a pain in the back side, took me a few months. Diet and injections and what worked best. I was on just fats insulins back then which was hard work but then after a few years i changed to slow and fast, as in Novorapid and Levamir, much easier control and have been for 15 years i bet. All i can suggest is take plenty of tests, fingers will hurt so use different ones every time, unless you have the new fangled ways.
Just dont panic if you have a hypo kicking in, just take a sugar kick and relax. The body is a good thing at times and it will adjust to how you set it to. keep an eye on them blood sugars and you be reat 😉
Thanks. It’s definitely not a mental health thing... with all the things I’ve been through, this is pretty low in terms of stress inducing, but this restlessness... any suggestions on how to deal with it. My body wants to run away... like run 15k.... but Im not a runner! Struggling to concentrate on tv shows... struggling to stay still. Hope this phase passes quickly.
High sugars can make me feel like that @Sunshine81 As your sugars gradually get into a more normal range, that feeling should ease.

Welcome to the club you didn’t want to join 🙂 My advice is to pace yourself, be kind to yourself, and know that it does all gradually get easier. The shock of diagnosis was nothing compared to all the extra stuff I suddenly had to do.The mental and emotional load of Type 1 is often under-estimated.
Good morning @Sunshine81 welcome to the forum.

Just be careful with reducing your HbA1c too quickly it can
lead to complications such as Neuropathy and other problems.

Your HbA1c is very high, on diagnosis mine was 156 and I
reduced it to 48 in three months which has left me with severe
permanent Neuropathy in my lower legs and feet a very
painful condition which is helped by a cocktail of drugs but
the pain never goes away 24/7.

Talk to your DSN or doctor/Consultant about the best way to
reduce your levels to keep safe and avoid issues, stick with
the forum its the easiest way to answer your questions and
learn all about your Diabetes. Join the Learning Zone orange
tab at the top of the page and join members in the thread
you`ll soon get the hang of it.
On diagnosis, it was the reduction in BG that made me jumpy - my body didn't like it being lower after having been high for months. It had to get used to that though! - and it did. Took a few weeks, though.
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