Hi all , im a newbie here having received my diagosis on Friday 15th December. I had been having lunch with a couple of colleagues who happen to be nurses and mentioned I couldnt seem to quench my thirst!! Next thing I new I was being whisked off for a finger prick to find high glucose levels! Upshot at GP was HbA1c of 85. So he prescribed Metformin 500mg and of course the healthy diet. I am on slimming world but have been playing at it for a while. My question is do any other forum members follow this regimen? From what I can gather with T2 its about balance and a healthy diet rather than cutting food groups out all together. Slimming world is fairly low carb anyway so have been following to the letter since Friday ( i know its only Monday lol!). Also im slightly worried about the Metformin having read of peoples experiences on here and also the really helpful pharmacist ( she was really!) was very specific that I take it during breakfast not before, not after but during!! Im rubbish at remembering meds at the best of times but it seems the window of opportunity to take these tabs is very small! Come next week Im up to 2 a day which might be even harder! So Im trying to get into that routine too! So far no side effects but it is early days. Oh and by the way other than thirst and visiting the loo I'd had no other symptoms! its all new to me so thought it worth asking! thanks in advance