New Bayer Link Meter

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Has anyone tried plugging their new Next Link meter into a computer yet?

I think mine's dead. Nothing happens at all. Have tried 4 different computers, none of them respond. Is there not supposed to be software on the Contour Next usb meter - Glucofacts or something? - that you can install.

It won't work with Medtronic's Carelink either. Has anyone got this new meter to work?

The Next USB has a slimmed-down version of the Glucofacts software on it, which you can just plug and play, or you can download the full Glucofacts from the website. I'd give Bayer a call and ask them if the Link is compatible, as there doesn't seem to be any clue on their website.
Has anyone tried plugging their new Next Link meter into a computer yet?

I think mine's dead. Nothing happens at all. Have tried 4 different computers, none of them respond. Is there not supposed to be software on the Contour Next usb meter - Glucofacts or something? - that you can install.

It won't work with Medtronic's Carelink either. Has anyone got this new meter to work?

When you plug it into USB are you going direct into PC? Through a hub? Or using a 13A plug adapter?

I've not read any instructions that came with mine (tut tut!) and it did fox me a little... but when I plugged mine direct into laptop the only indication that it was charging was that the orange light on the end (strip port) began to flash. If you are using a USB hub there might not be quite enough current getting through and if using a plug-adapter you'd need to check what rating is required on the Bayer website as some adapters are beefier than others.

However when I disconnected a short time later the 'battery' level on the screen had moved up a bit.

Hope you manage to get it sorted soon.
I managed to charge the meter no problem. In fact, everything seemed so good that I went and got my prescription changed over last week as I was low on test strips anyway.

At the weekend, I tried to upload blood glucose data from the Contour Next Link meter to Carelink but none of the computers at my disposal could detect the meter and I got a Carelink error screen instead, so I left a message with the Bayer helpline.

I've had a call back from Bayer in the last hour. They started off by saying that the new meter connects through the Carelink dongle and does not plug in to a computer (apart from charging, of course). I had to admit to not trying that! Then the rep. said she'd have to double check this and I got a second call saying that you don't use the dongle after all. However, she went on to say that the Contour Next Link meter is not compatible with the current version of Medtronic's Carelink site!

I was advised to call Medtronic to find out when the system was going to be updated but she believed this wasn't going to happen until next year. I pointed out Bayer was leaving me with a month's supply of test strips for a shiny meter that can't download data to the management system. Not Bayer's problem, it seems.

I have called Medtronic and am waiting for someone in their Carelink team to get back to me. Quite annoyed now.
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As an alternative in the interim... are you sending your meter results via bluetooth to your pump?

If so then you can upload from pump (as it will have all your BGs anyway). Actually I've never uploaded meter data to Carelink... I've only ever done pump data as that way I get a backup of basal rates/boluses too.

Would that help?
You're right, thanks!

I had started out uploading just pump data but I've been doing pump data & meter data since I discovered that I only seemed to get mealtime blood glucose when working with pump data.

Unless anyone can help with a Carelink or Veo setting to upload post meal blood glucose values using just pump data?
Hmmmm not sure. My meter is set to *always* send the results to the pump so mine all get uploaded. TBH I didn't realise there was another setting (except that you could turn off the upload one test at a time on the old Contour).
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