New Bayer Link Meter

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

For those of us with Medtronic pumps that have a bluetooth link to their meter this may be useful.

Bayer are in the middle of launching their new Contour Link USB meter that uses the newer XT strips that are supposed to be much more accurate.

If you have your pump to hand, which I guess you will (!), go here to register to receive the new meter as soon as they start posting them out.

It's in the same style as the Contour next USB meter with similar tracking abilities.

Hope that helps.

Dave 🙂🙂🙂
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Made me smile Dave. Dont know where i have put my pump ?? Oh ! here it is in pocket :D Thanks. 🙂
Thanks Dave

Have just registered 🙂

Out of interest I tried to quickly check comparative cost. Not much luck for UK costs, but the XT strips seem to be 33%-50% more on 😱

I may have to think more carefully about the switch with the amount of strips I get through :(

EDIT: No... don't worry. Just found them on BNF and they are appear to be a few pence cheaper than regular Contour strips (?14.85 vs ?15.11) which is comparable with many other 'normal' brand meters
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Thanks for that link. It's not that I hate my contour link meter, it's just that the case doesn't hold anything properly. Stuff falls out as soon as I undo the zip. The ones you get with collected box tops aren't much better. Here's hoping they do better with the newer kit.
Got mine today. Looks good, Size of big memory stick. Got its rechargeable battery (on charge now) Will let you know how it performs 😎
No sign of mine yet. Wonder what's happened?

Has anyone tried changing their prescription yet? I had enough hassle upping my monthly test strips after going on the pump, dreading going back and asking for a different type now.
Good luck Chandler. Its so new i tried to register it online & couldnt. A nice lady from Bayer rang me to say it wasnt on system yet. Is a good gadget (not usually a gadget man but !) 😎
Mine arrived yesterday.

Thoughtfully they have a letter which includes the PIP code in the box so that you can request the right strips.

Hope you don't have too much bother changing strips Chandler.
Slightly paranoid now. Still no sign of mine, so changing strips not going to be an issue.

Were your link meters couriered or sent out via Royal Mail. Could be my postcode that's holding it up. :(
Mine came by courier, with a scary big note on the box about transport of batteries (new regulations)
Litheium batteries inside 😱 Everyday (should last a decent time before charging). Chandler it is a very new product even for Bayer. It is worth the wait
I was very lucky last week (if you can say that being diabetic) but I had a pump upgrade to the Veo, which I do like as it can do 0.25 units of insulin and I got the new contour meter. I do like it, its smaller and fits in bag easier(very important) it has more markers and reminders which can be useful. At the time the Bayer rep gave it me I was only the 3rd person to have it. So I felt very privileged. Hope you all manage to get one.
Excellent Aims, I have this thing about numbers & the serial number for mine is less than 60. Who got no 1 ?? It is small & fits in jeans pocket easily. Its the tub of strips that they will have to work next 😉
It's here and it's lovely!

Serial number is all letters, though it doesn't spell out any word I recognise 😉

I agree about the tub size, I decant mine into an old tub for OneTouch Ultra strips, much smaller. I know that's bad practise but they are in there for less than a week...
I agree that the strip container is too large because the zip doesn't close easily, but Im sure it will be ok. And yes the strips aren't in there a week, 5 days sometimes if I am lucky. Great to hear people are applying for the meters.
Been using mine all this week and all seems ok. Has anyone found the case too small to fit everything into it?

I was sent a rubber skin and two "girly" cases to try and both won't zip with both meter and strip pot in it. It seems to be not tall enough??

Has anyone tried plugging their new Next Link meter into a computer yet?

I think mine's dead. Nothing happens at all. Have tried 4 different computers, none of them respond. Is there not supposed to be software on the Contour Next usb meter - Glucofacts or something? - that you can install.

It won't work with Medtronic's Carelink either. Has anyone got this new meter to work?
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