New and scared!!

With an HbA1C of 43mmol/mol you were just on the first rung of the pre diabetic ladder and with your weight loss I would absolutely expect your result in a few days time will show a below 42mmol/mol indicating normal.
However having had that slightly elevated blood glucose it perhaps indicates your body is less tolerant of carbohydrates so keeping a watchful eye on your carb intake and make the carbs you have worth it for flavour and enjoyment rather than empty carbs used as fillers but not really needed.
This link has good guidance and should help you keep on track in the future
Good luck for your test.
Thanks I’ll keep you posted
Hi, Newish to T2D here myself. At first I was horrified and I heard/read all the horror stories, blindness, amputations, etc.
But, its not all bad news, this might just be the wake up call we sometimes need.
If your GP is not vey good maybe ask to se another one, and read all the good advice on here. ignore faceache, twatter, etc.
If you are looking for good advice then stick to websites like this, where people are actually living with T2D and T1D.
Its hard but try to stay positive, losing weight and more exercise is good, keep at it.
As above let us know how you get on. 😎
Thanks so much good luck on your journey I’ll keep you posted
On the face of it weight loss of 3 stone in 10 days is worrying, is that during the time you were taking insulin.
Have they considered you may be Type 1 with that sort of weight loss it would put up a red flag unless there is some other explanation.
one gp said type 2 the other type 1
Hi @Jane29 you’re very lucky to be having another blood test so soon with a reading of only 43 . I had a reading of 46 last January and can’t have a repeat blood test until next January when my routine one is done. I have requested one twice but both times told it’s not necessary until a year has passed. I have cut down on carbs , cakes, biscuits etc and really taken lots of good advice on this forum. I always thought I lived a reasonably healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise but have still managed to lose nearly a stone in weight. Which is inevitable with the diet I am on.
I just wanted to know before January if all my hard work was paying off but will have to be patient. Goodly know
Hi @Jane29 and welcome to the forum!

I'll just echo what everyone else has said: any questions, worries or rants - feel free to share. As you can tell - the forum community is always eager to help. In addition to our Learning Zone, you might also find our Helpline useful, so if you're ever in doubt or questioning things - give them a shout!

And yes, depending on your situation, food and diet are the go-to things to look at when wanting to reduce those numbers, however that could be dependant on any existing conditions you might have or meds that you take. If you feel like your GP isn't supporting you well, depending on where you are and if it's possible - see if you could get an appointment with someone else?
Hi told on 22nd July I was pre diabetic 43moll , it means very little to me told online a few pounds I have read a lot on Facebook found this site this morning am going for repeat blood test next Tuesday at 10am I’ve lost 2 stone in weight almost I’m doing exercise probably not as much as I should but am hoping I am well on the way to reversing it , sadly the doctor wasn’t much help therefore I no very little and am kinda scared, glad to be part of a community
Hello, it’s better to be informed as to where you are now, than be told later? I’m certain there others in your position who can give positive advice. It’s better to be informed now than to be told when you could have made personal choices earlier. Be kind to yourself.
So - you've lost that 'extra stone' you'd already put on, plus another stone - which to my mind, same as others have said, can only be a good thing as far as health generally is concerned, especially on the diabetes front and unless the weight loss is sudden and dramatic. It was that latter thing I was seeking to establish - yours wasn't either so sounds OK. Just well done you, and keep on doing whatever you're doing because it certainly seems to be working OK at the moment.

Do have more than a quick look at the 'Freshwell' link which @Leadinglights has already posted, cos it's jolly sensible - and it came from a GP surgery in England for their patients so should be equally possible for anyone anywhere in the UK - and it should ensure no lack of necessary trace elements. minerals, vitamins etc. (I say this because it is quite possible to cut down on too much too quickly (food wise) and cause yourself different problems as well as the initial one that started you off on this road - and nobody needs that.)

Hope this next blood test does show an improvement - though you do need to remember that the HbA1c test because it measures how much spurious glucose has adhered itself over the red blood cells over the last 90 ish days and because the red cells die and are replaced between 90 and 120 days, some of em will be elderly and some brand spanking new every time they test it, so because obviously nobody (unless literally newborn!) has 100% brand spanking new blood cells - results will usually vary, so it's possible that the full effect of your dietary etc efforts won't yet show in the new result so please don't be disheartened by seemingly small differences at this early stage, is all! :care:
Hi @trophywench that’s interesting reading even though a bit scientific for me. Probably reading that I am better waiting until January for my next test which will be just a year. As I said I have asked twice for one sooner but both nurse and GP have said it’s better to wait. If it’s not budged from 46 then it’s not for the want of trying. Think everyone thinks I’m taking it too seriously but I’m determined to stick it out. Also with all the tips and advice I’ve got on this forum from people like yourself ive found it easier.
Hi told on 22nd July I was pre diabetic 43moll , it means very little to me told online a few pounds I have read a lot on Facebook found this site this morning am going for repeat blood test next Tuesday at 10am I’ve lost 2 stone in weight almost I’m doing exercise probably not as much as I should but am hoping I am well on the way to reversing it , sadly the doctor wasn’t much help therefore I no very little and am kinda scared, glad to be part of a community
Hi don't worry, I was diagnosed early July after at least 15 years of being pre diabetes I finally went to 49, just had results from 3 month check and now back to 45 and lost 11kg, I cut out cakes biscuits sweets and cut down on potatoes, I will try and keep up with what I am doing.
Hi jane ,
Welcome too the forum and congrats on the weight loss, i found that doing regular finger pricks helps me to understand what my level of glucose is at any given time i can totally relate to u , my Gp told me see you in a year for my levels to have gone up so for me i took advice from ppl on here and purchased a glucose meter its the best investment that i could of made and has helped me to understand this condition a lot more and manage my diabetes to almost normal level s i spend £12 a week for 50 test strips and it helps a'lot with working out what i can eat with weekly meal plans.I'm still on meds but my levels are really low now and for me its all about what i eat during the day and how much i eat , little changes to your diet can have a massive impact on the bloods . My glucose meter gives me an estimated hba1c result over 7 days 30 days and 90 days and its predicted at 35 at the moment ill post what it comes out at from my GP in a few weeks as im due my 6 monthly blood test .Anyway welcome aboard and good luck on your journey 🙂