Never thought I would be so happy to be overweight!

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Well done on the weight loss! I find it very satisfying to have lost a lot of weight.

I wouldn’t worry about the weird peaks and troughs in blood sugar, I used to, but try not to now. I occasionally check in the morning to see how I‘m doing, and sometimes buy a sensor just to get an idea of what’s going on, but it‘s turned into a fairly mundane ‘same old stuff’ as nothing much happens.

I get a weird rise (Usually about 1mmol/l, into the mid/high sixes) when I start getting ready for work, or am doing something stressful (Like travelling, I hate it.) but I can’t do much about it. It drops by the afternoon (Sometimes quite suddenly) Even if I go for a walk to get a coffee, I can see it drop down and then creeps back up to the same level afterwards… it used to worry me at first, but it might be natural. Hormones and insulin sensitivity at play, perhaps.? Not that I need the energy with a desk job. 🙂

Currently on holiday and had a meal that I thought was a low carb, but something was hidden in it as my BG shot up to 9 afterwards… went down to 6 and then went back again for a second rally! Have no idea what it was, but the meal was squid stuffed with capers and olives with some salad. I think the ‘stuffing’ had something carby in it. (Apart from that Italy is very easy to eat out on a low carb diet, and even a local supermarket has low carb bread!)

I agree with what has been said, just keep doing what you’re doing, as progress is good so far!

I wouldn't call a rise to 9 on holiday shooting up.
I wouldn't even call it a spike.
I'd call it a great result.
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