Neighbours mocking needle phobia

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
On today's 'Neighbours' Libby and Toadie were mercilessly mocking Dan about his needle phobia - even after he passed out! Dr Karl wasn't particularly sympathetic either. Haven't watched the rest of the episode yet to see if it develops as a storyline, but if it was supposed to be 'light relief' then it was badly-misjudged! Phobias aren't things to be mocked - they are often irrational, but it doesn't make them any less debilitating. I was reminded of my fear of heights the other day when 'walking the walls' (Southampton's medieval town walls). There's a section at the beginning that involves climbing quite a steep tower and over a narrow bridge. I knew it was safe, but I was still petrified!
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lol I love neighbours, but I haven't seen today's yet. I will catch the evening show. I'm also scared of heights and went to 'Go Ape' where you swing from the trees etc. I didn't realise I was scared of heights till I went there... :D Everyone mocked me but I didn't mind 😉
On today's 'Neighbours' ... , but if it was supposed to be 'light relief' then it was badly-misjudged!
The problem is that this sort of thing happens in real life, especially if it's an unusual phobia such as lightbulbs or such.

Soaps are often written as a(n exagerated) commentary of everyday life. Hopefully though, the show will twist it and these people will get their 'comeuppance'.
lol I love neighbours, but I haven't seen today's yet. I will catch the evening show. I'm also scared of heights and went to 'Go Ape' where you swing from the trees etc. I didn't realise I was scared of heights till I went there... :D Everyone mocked me but I didn't mind 😉

I once went on one of those 'team-building' days from work and point-blank refused to put myself through the fear for the sake of their silly game. Guess I'm not a team player! I will grit my teeth for something worthwhile though. Last year I went up the clock tower of Delft Old Church. It's 75 metres high, and there is a very narrow and very windy walkway around the top - scary! You get a great view though, so there is a reward. I went up Giotto's Tower in Florence and the Eiffel Tower for the same reason, but wouldn't do it for the sake of it.

This is what it looked like looking down on to the square from the Delft Tower (makes me giddy just looking at it!):

Reading your last post just gave me the feeling/pain thing I get in my feet when I think of heights 🙄

I can't beleive I didnt know I was scared until I went to 'Go Ape'. I then went to Thorpe Park and that made me completely sure I have a fear. I'm sure I just woke up one day and became scared of loads of things 😱 :D
Hehehehe .... I'm with Katie on this one ... lol ..... Cant stand heights ... can just about stand on a chair without vertigo kicking in ..... Cant watch anything on telly that involves heights either .....

Hehehehe .... I'm with Katie on this one ... lol ..... Cant stand heights ... can just about stand on a chair without vertigo kicking in ..... Cant watch anything on telly that involves heights either .....


I'm still plucking up courage to watch 'Man on Wire' - a film about a man who walked on a tightrope between the Twin Towers.

I've just gone really dizzy .... 😱 ..... lol ..... Why would anyone anyone want to do that .... 😱

I'm not scared of heights and really want to go to 'Go Ape' only heard about it recently. What I don't like is really enclosed spaces, didn't find that out until I was in a cave and had a panic attack. The space was so small we had to slide along on our stomachs. I don't think it helped that on the entrance there were memorials of people who had died in the caves! Not eactly reassuring!
I'm not scared of heights and really want to go to 'Go Ape' only heard about it recently. What I don't like is really enclosed spaces, didn't find that out until I was in a cave and had a panic attack. The space was so small we had to slide along on our stomachs. I don't think it helped that on the entrance there were memorials of people who had died in the caves! Not eactly reassuring!

😱terrifying!! I would hate that too! I really am scared of everything :D
We all have some fears. In many cases fears are what keep us safe, we need to be aware of danger. Then there is phobia. I had to scroll past the lady on the tight rope, but it illustrates the point nicely.

I have had people make fun of my phobias (confined spaces and heights), and it is not a nice feeling. Fortunately at work my manager is understanding. I can work in confined spaces with an open door or window (if practicle) or only work there for a short period. She wont allow me to work at heights for safety reasons.

I gace up watching Neighbours about 18 years ago when big boy started school and haven't watched it since...
I'm not scared of heights and really want to go to 'Go Ape' only heard about it recently. What I don't like is really enclosed spaces, didn't find that out until I was in a cave and had a panic attack. The space was so small we had to slide along on our stomachs. I don't think it helped that on the entrance there were memorials of people who had died in the caves! Not eactly reassuring!

A mate told me about "go ape" recently he runs a local venture scout unit they went to the one up in scotland, sounds ace!:D
Are you scared of buttons? I worked with a guy who is - only wore zip and velcro fastenings!😱

Ok, i'm weird....i do ahve a real phobia about buttons!😱 Can't touch them 😡 yuck, they make me shiver and my skin crawl.....totally irrational....
This is the most entertaining thread in ages...!

Buttons. Wow. If only I had such an interesting phobia. Seriously. My daughter has a very hard time with rough socks, and won't put them on.

And I HATE wooden things in my mouth, like spatulas, spoons, or lolly sticks. Horrible, horrible shivers. From having the tongue depresser thing for all my sore throats when a child I'm sure. lol.

Katie: I'm at one with you! I'm not actively actively afraid of heights, but I too get that funny feeling in my feet! I have never known anyone who has the same thing. It's like my feet might come off the ground, somehow, tingly, lose their grip...

And finally: go ape. E did this for the second time over Easter. When we arrived, we had a blind panic about his diabetes, afraid they wouldn't let him do it. So we did not reveal it to them on the form. Did you? And would they have let him do it or kick him off, does anyone know, if we had?
I have a phobia of needles (not where I faint though yet!) and when I was told I had to inject Jessica wow !!! Anyway I have no problem whatsoever sticking things in Jessica, it saves her life so I'll do it. I do have a problem when I have to have blood taken for whatever reasons. I make a joke about it as I think its funny. I mean how stupid a grown adult having a phobia about something. Jessica laughs at me and so does my small niece !

Phobias are daft really, I mean listen to us, buttons (always found that bizarre Becca 🙂) wooden things, needles, spiders, mice there are loads of things but all irrational yet we are all rational adults. Must be a mental block in our brains somewhere.
And finally: go ape. E did this for the second time over Easter. When we arrived, we had a blind panic about his diabetes, afraid they wouldn't let him do it. So we did not reveal it to them on the form. Did you? And would they have let him do it or kick him off, does anyone know, if we had?

I read on the website about it because I thought they would want to know,

The staff at Go Ape are not medically qualified and so are not in a position to assess the capacity of participants to undertake a course. It remains your responsibility to undertake such an assessment prior to use of the course. We advise you to visit the course prior to booking to undertake your own risk assessment. You may also wish to contact your doctor for further advice.

So it seems they leave it up to the individual to make their own assessment as after all we do know ourselves best.
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