Needle sizes

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I'd say see the doctor personally and give him the situation and tell him what you need. I use BD Microfine 5mm needles and I got them without much fuss which is abnormal for my GP's surgery.

Nathan was originally on the Novafine 6mm.....He was changed about 18mths ago to 8mm....He use his stomach for N/R and alternate legs for Lantus.

I'd say see the doctor personally and give him the situation and tell him what you need. I use BD Microfine 5mm needles and I got them without much fuss which is abnormal for my GP's surgery.

I'm definately going to see the doctor about this .. ive always had 5mm so i cant see why i have to change to bigger needles now .. 😡 its not like im big or anything Grrr

Nathan was originally on the Novafine 6mm.....He was changed about 18mths ago to 8mm....He use his stomach for N/R and alternate legs for Lantus.


Hellooo Heidi , I use my stomach for my Humalog ( rarely my arms) and I alternate my thighs for my Levemir
I'm definately going to see the doctor about this .. ive always had 5mm so i cant see why i have to change to bigger needles now .. 😡 its not like im big or anything Grrr

Hellooo Heidi , I use my stomach for my Humalog ( rarely my arms) and I alternate my thighs for my Levemir

Hi Hun....

Nathan not keen on his arms..although he has tried....When he was on hurt his I had to inject him in the buttock region...He's never once complained of stinging with Lantus though..but does favour one leg over the other.

Hi Hun....

Nathan not keen on his arms..although he has tried....When he was on hurt his I had to inject him in the buttock region...He's never once complained of stinging with Lantus though..but does favour one leg over the other.


Yes Ive noticed that Levemir can sting sometimes , usually if ive forgotton to get a new one from the fridge though lol 😱 I cant really remember if Lantus stung tbh it was so long ago , it did smell horrible though eww I only really do my arms if ive got alot of bruises on my stomach , I think it hurts too much on my arms and bruises really easy :(
Yes Ive noticed that Levemir can sting sometimes , usually if ive forgotton to get a new one from the fridge though lol I cant really remember if Lantus stung tbh it was so long ago , it did smell horrible though eww I only really do my arms if ive got alot of bruises on my stomach , I think it hurts too much on my arms and bruises really easy :(

Nathan says it hurts loads in his arms....Must say though he gets the odd bruise on his stomach....😡...but his legs are the ones for bleeding..😱..I keep saying just pinch the skin up a little and make sure your needle tip is at the right angle....Bless he usually screams at me and tells me to go away...

Nathan says it hurts loads in his arms....Must say though he gets the odd bruise on his stomach....😡...but his legs are the ones for bleeding..😱..I keep saying just pinch the skin up a little and make sure your needle tip is at the right angle....Bless he usually screams at me and tells me to go away...


Arghhh ive had so many bleeders lately !!! i had a correction in my stomach bleed and my levemir the other night Grrr I hate it because I know Im losing some of the dose 😡
Hi Hun....

Nathan not keen on his arms..although he has tried....When he was on hurt his I had to inject him in the buttock region...He's never once complained of stinging with Lantus though..but does favour one leg over the other.


There was a thread a wee while ago that came to the summary that a lot of us favoured one side of our body for legs, stomach, and buttocks, and it was the left side for those who were right handed and the lefthanded people prefered the right side of their body!!
I use 6mm have been given 5mm to use to inject into my arms because I've not got any fat on them and also was scared to because I thought it would really hurt (but it didn't). Was given 8mm before and they really were too long hurt a little - but then I am a wimp when it comes to pain!🙄
There was a thread a wee while ago that came to the summary that a lot of us favoured one side of our body for legs, stomach, and buttocks, and it was the left side for those who were right handed and the lefthanded people prefered the right side of their body!!

Hi Ross...

I must have missed that can be the odd one out he prefers his right side and is right handed...although he eats left way of holding knife and fork....I'm I think Nathan has some of traits of this..

always used the 8mm bd, since diagnosis with no problems,

must be tubbier than i thought :D:D
I'm on the 8mm and have been for about 5 years now.

Before that (and when I was much smaller!) I was given the 12mm to use!!! Thinking back that musta hurt! Would hate to use them now!

I find that I sometimes get a burning sentation when I inject in my arms, it's not nice! About 4 years ago I had trouble with my skin on my stomach and legs from using them too much (not sure how I can't use them!), so have to really try to rotate inject sites now..............the joys of diabetes.

I am using the BD 5mm now and prefer them to the 8mm. I liek my arms they are my favourite site to use I only do novorapid there though. Lantus usually buttocks or thigh.
On my repeat prescrption I just wrote "please prescribe BD 5mm pen needles" and they did. I wondered if they would just put them on at my request or would wnat to speak to me or go in but there was no problem at all.
i have always used 8mm needles. i have some 6mm ones tucked in the cupboard somewhere, but i haaaate using them. i have a fair bit of flab to inject into (lipohypertrophy plys 18 years of injecting...) so they suit me just fine.

I had that lipohyertrophy thing too...probably down to decades of injecting the older insulins which didn't disperse/absorb so the end because I was on silly insulin doses & getting hit & miss results due to eratic insulin absorption (not to mention only being able to wear wide leg trousers despite being fairly slim everywhere else), I had to have liposuction!! (How embarassing!!! 😱) All I can say is how anyone can willingly have it done more than once for anything other than medical need is beyond me! They must be made of sterner stuff.... Owww! 😱 (Put it this way, it felt easier to recover from PE & a C section!!)

Currently I'm on 8mm needles, but post baby #1 I'm still rather a cuddly mum, so I guess that's ok...I lose touch with new developments - didn't even realise there was an option of 5/6mm lol!! If I ever manage to shift the extra stones (very much plural) I have gained having sprogs, I will bear that in mind! (don't hold out much hope on MDI though tbh...:( Fatty for life now I guess....)
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