need support on low carb

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I did not find knee supports that helpful, and some even caused irritation under them.
I have a selection of knee supports which do help, I feel more secure when walking. Some pull on ones and some which wrap around with Velcro. I have used all sorts to massage in, arnica gel, tiger balm, devil's claw gel, a body rub with CBD oil, Volterol, it is hard to know if they really help but don't make it worse.
It might well be that the massage is what helps most.
When I was really worried about my lower legs and feet - after the AZ jab, I was getting into the shower and spraying on cold water, warm, then hot, and then lifting my feet and massaging all up my legs. I did that up to 3 times a day and after a bit of resistance the swelling began to go down and normal colour was restored. I still do the same process almost every day as my feet are inclined to swell.
I think that the jab has changed things for me - the swelling and pain made me want to stay still too long, I need to take precautions. The description valetudinarian comes to mind.
I tell myself that I should feel privileged to be able to get up and do the housework when I get up and do some housework, but somehow I am still not 100% convinced.
I did not find knee supports that helpful, and some even caused irritation under them.
The instructions in mine said to wash before use - I washed them twice as there was still a smell about them after the first time. I suspect some sort of preservative is used on them which could be irritating.
I think I was just lucky and whatever was causing the problem was, for whatever reason, reduced or corrected by just a short period of compression and perhaps realignment by the metal stays in the sides.
At the age of 72 I do suspect that I have passed my expiry date and only good luck and regular maintenance will keep me operational.
The instructions in mine said to wash before use - I washed them twice as there was still a smell about them after the first time. I suspect some sort of preservative is used on them which could be irritating.
I think I was just lucky and whatever was causing the problem was, for whatever reason, reduced or corrected by just a short period of compression and perhaps realignment by the metal stays in the sides.
At the age of 72 I do suspect that I have passed my expiry date and only good luck and regular maintenance will keep me operational.
The surgeon did say as one gets older it takes longer for things to heal, he probably though what was a 70 year old doing climbing up a ladder for goodness sake.
All the problems stemmed from the stupid accident./
The surgeon did say as one gets older it takes longer for things to heal, he probably though what was a 70 year old doing climbing up a ladder for goodness sake.
All the problems stemmed from the stupid accident./
Ah - a couple of weeks ago I was climbing a ladder to inspect the roof of my campervan for leaks - but managed not to fall off. I still do the 'three points of contact' rule of free climbing and check everything no matter who tells you it is safe. Accidents do still happen, I've just been lucky that up until now it has always been someone else involved. I was born at 13:13 on Friday the 13th of April and even though I am a total unbeliever when it comes to astrology and number magic you never really know what might influence things simply by being what they are.
Ah - a couple of weeks ago I was climbing a ladder to inspect the roof of my campervan for leaks - but managed not to fall off. I still do the 'three points of contact' rule of free climbing and check everything no matter who tells you it is safe. Accidents do still happen, I've just been lucky that up until now it has always been someone else involved. I was born at 13:13 on Friday the 13th of April and even though I am a total unbeliever when it comes to astrology and number magic you never really know what might influence things simply by being what they are.
I was only up 2 steps but must have leaned too far and one of the leg fell into a hole that had been dug by badgers so the ladder tipped and tangled me up in it, ruptured patella tendon and fracture in head of the tibia requiring surgery.
Bl---y badgers!!!!!
I was only up 2 steps but must have leaned too far and one of the leg fell into a hole that had been dug by badgers so the ladder tipped and tangled me up in it, ruptured patella tendon and fracture in head of the tibia requiring surgery.
Bl---y badgers!!!!!
Typical - my dad used to talk about 'when your number is up' - having seen pilots walk away from crashed aircraft without a scratch but men take a false step, fall a few feet and die or be seriously injured.
He told us of the time he went to help a mate with a particularly troublesome fault on an engine, and there was an air raid. When he returned to his tent there was a huge chunk of cement on the pillow where he would have been sleeping if not for doing a favour. He needed a rather strong cup of tea that morning.
I was only up 2 steps but must have leaned too far and one of the leg fell into a hole that had been dug by badgers so the ladder tipped and tangled me up in it, ruptured patella tendon and fracture in head of the tibia requiring surgery.
Bl---y badgers!!!!!
Alch, that sounds sore and well anything to legs is not good as we need those. I've had a hip and a knee replaced and need the other sides done as it was done diagonally but the hip went wrong and had to be revised. So its a case of letting things settle to see what is what but I think once riddled with arthritis like the diabetes you just have to learn to live with it as best you can . My replacements help but they are never as good as your own.
Hi, i have done this really strictly bow for just over a week . Brilliant results so far.
However I am not feeling really good .
This might not be diet related at all. However my eyes are bleary and im wearing my glasses and they don't always help this . i know it should be the opposite when bloods are high that affects eyes but they were good in diabetic screening. Could it be temporary when its come down 10 bmmols . yes i need it down about four more but from its highest to lowest its down that much in a week .
Also i thought i was going hypo the other
day with my stomach ckearing abd abd ne almost passing out . Is that a side effect too.?
The diet is great i am finding new recipes and adapting slightly on hubby's plate but being strict to make my meal as goid as it can ve without major carbs.
Really pleased so far so this is just queries and hoping gor reassurance and support.
Do you have medication for T2 dust? I got told that as I’m on Empagliflozin that I shouldn’t do really low carb/Keto
Do you have medication for T2 dust? I got told that as I’m on Empagliflozin that I shouldn’t do really low carb/Keto
no I don't want medication at all.Although i might have to at some point again .
We are all different and if you were told then go with professional advice . I am really difficult with medication, so its best left to experts.
Do you have medication for T2 dust? I got told that as I’m on Empagliflozin that I shouldn’t do really low carb/Keto
Low carb is indeed warned against and should be in the leaflet not to do low carb whilst on empagliflozin because of the DKA risk
no I don't want medication at all.Although i might have to at some point again .
We are all different and if you were told then go with professional advice . I am really difficult with medication, so its best left to experts.
You need to be aware of the condition Ketoacidosis. I’m mentioning this as I’m on Empagliflozin and too low a carb intake can be a cause if it. You’re not in meditation but still people should be aware as it can be harmful.
You should go to your dr it diabetes nurse for a check.
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