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Need Advise


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've had diabetes for 13 years now, type 2.

I'm struggling to get my sugars right. For the past 2 years I've been at hbc1a 106, 95 and now 85. Now it's come down but I need it to do more. I try not eat much carbs now and I've noticed if I go to low then I get extremely hungry and eat everything.

I'm told if I don't get this sorted by September I'm going on insilin.
Are you eating enough protein and healthy fat to feel full and provide enough energy to sustain yourself throughout the day? Sounds like you don't.

What dietary advice have you been given?

Are you overweight? Do you have a weight loss target?

On a typical day what would you eat and drink, and how much exercise would you take?
Hi @Marko2020 your HBA1c is going in the right direction, so you must be doing something right.

I like to control the controlables which is

1) Weight
2) Diet
3) Exercise

So if you are happy to share, on the above, maybe we can help and advise

Are you already on oral medication as that may need reviewing as well as your diet as some adjustment there may be what is needed.
Would you like to give some examples of the meals you are having.
So I have special k for breakfast.

I just want to say that I lost the ability to walk for 2 years and was bed bound because of my diabetes complications.
I'm also on psychiatric drugs that cause me to eat and makes me hingry. I'm currently weaning off them as well.

Lunch I don't normally have as I sometimes just don't feel hungry. Today I had a small portion for 1 of cottage pie.

Dinner is sometimes the folling.

Mince and 4 or 5 potatoes, turnip, white cabbage and carrots.

Spaghetti but with less pasta and more mince.

Tonight I'm having 4 Richmond sausages, 4 potatoes, corn and cabbage.

Chicken steaks, corn and beans sometimes

Chicken coujons , few chips and beans or corn.

I try eat vegetables but I can't stand them and I know that's bad.

Night time is the worste when I take those tablets as I eat crisps, chocolate and now I just don't buy them so I can't get the addiction.

I'm on 3 different types of oral medicines for my diabetes but I'm lacking excercise as I am just starting to walk again after 2 years in bed. It's very hard and I get very tired on such short journeys.

I know I'm probably going over my carb count and I tried low carb but it didn't keep me filled for long.

I'm at a lost of what to do and I know I should cut out more potatoes etc but I've loved them since I was a kid and it's hard giving them up.
So I have special k for breakfast.

I just want to say that I lost the ability to walk for 2 years and was bed bound because of my diabetes complications.
I'm also on psychiatric drugs that cause me to eat and makes me hingry. I'm currently weaning off them as well.

Lunch I don't normally have as I sometimes just don't feel hungry. Today I had a small portion for 1 of cottage pie.

Dinner is sometimes the folling.

Mince and 4 or 5 potatoes, turnip, white cabbage and carrots.

Spaghetti but with less pasta and more mince.

Tonight I'm having 4 Richmond sausages, 4 potatoes, corn and cabbage.

Chicken steaks, corn and beans sometimes

Chicken coujons , few chips and beans or corn.

I try eat vegetables but I can't stand them and I know that's bad.

Night time is the worste when I take those tablets as I eat crisps, chocolate and now I just don't buy them so I can't get the addiction.

I'm on 3 different types of oral medicines for my diabetes but I'm lacking excercise as I am just starting to walk again after 2 years in bed. It's very hard and I get very tired on such short journeys.

I know I'm probably going over my carb count and I tried low carb but it didn't keep me filled for long.

I'm at a lost of what to do and I know I should cut out more potatoes etc but I've loved them since I was a kid and it's hard giving them up.
I think your medication may be struggling to keep up with what is quite a high carb diet so you could try reducing them to about 130g per day but cutting out or reducing your portions of in particular in particular the potatoes, pasta and increasing protein and healthy fats so you are then less likely to feel hungry.
If you haven't already seen it then this link may give you some ideas for lower carb meals. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
For breakfast you could substitute your high carb cereal for full fat Greek yoghurt and berries and seeds or nuts or eggs in any form.
I'm told if I don't get this sorted by September I'm going on insilin.
Don’t see that as a threat, best thing I ever did going on insulin
I'm scared of going on it because of ketones and low bloods. My mental heqlth makes me obsess with things and last time I tested 45 times in 1 day due to ocd. Hated it
Insulin prevents ketones it doesn’t cause them. I easily check over 30 times a day on my libre sensor.
I'm scared of going on it because of ketones and low bloods. My mental heqlth makes me obsess with things and last time I tested 45 times in 1 day due to ocd. Hated it
do u have a mental health nurse/pdoc it may be worth seeing if they will work out a joint approach between them and your diabetic team.
going on insulin is nothing to be afaid of. keytones happen when your BG is to high insulin will help bring your BG down but will not cause hypos if used correctly at the right dose
good luck keep us posted as to how u get on
i have MH issues and it took an joint plan between my diabetic team and my CPN /Pdoc for them both to work together and sort things ot so today my Diabetes/mental health is good They do interact with each other you know
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Sorry to hear you have been struggling with feeling full when you are trying to reduce your carbs to help with BG levels.

And doubly difficult if some of your MH meds have been increasing your appetite.

Hope you can find som ways to tweak your menu and find BG-friendly meals you enjoy. Have you ever tried celeriac as a substitute for potatoes?
I'm scared of going on it because of ketones and low bloods. My mental heqlth makes me obsess with things and last time I tested 45 times in 1 day due to ocd. Hated it
I recently started insulin and I love it. You don't need to be scared of it and you could potentially get a much better handle on your diabetes.
Thank you everyone I really appreciate all the advice. I have a dr with interests at the moment who does my medical review.

I was always told.insilin hurts as is bad but I see now that now. Any good ideas for food?
Is there any cereal that's lower in carbs in could have? I can't cook due to a physical illness and Greek yoguart is horrible for me.
Hi @Marko2020
I’m thinking I might’ve replied to another of your posts somewhere else on the forum?
possibly I’m not sure ? I might be wrong in saying that

hope you don’t mind me saying, but I can see from what you’ve posted here. you really are quite anxious and worried about taking insulin as has been suggested to you

I certainly was
until I took it
reality it’s the best thing I did

no, maybe not the best thing I did
Maybe be the best thing I did to get my diabetes finally under some manageable control
was finding this forum itself

I keep telling people I’ve been taking insulin for the last 10 years
but I think it’s actually longer maybe 15 years I’m not sure, I need to check back in NHS app on that

If you do accept that you might need to take insulin
It’s not a big concern, and some of us do !

okay it changes a few things, but it’s not so bad
there are different types of insulin
because there are different people who eat different things eat at different times etc…
some people take what we call multiple daily injections
your HCT will help to make the best choice

I myself take a simple mixed insulin
morning & evening
and these days I take a lot less than I used to

then again I’ve also changed drastically what I eat
I had to

I see somebody’s already recommended you look at freshwell app / website
that is a very, very healthy way of eating suitable for diabetics, which looks very different to your regular diet

can I recommend get yourself a copy of the carbs & calories book
although I don’t refer back to it myself as much as I used to, certainly for me it was a very good indication of the carb content of some of the foods maybe we should be eating less off of as diabetic

I hope your healthcare team, whoever it is support you
to make you make the correct decision for your health

In my case, for too many years I let my diabetes rule my life
and didn’t face up to the facts and ran with high blood sugars

please don’t be scared
a daily jab of insulin (from a pre filled pen is not a big deal) no worse than pricking your finger with whatever you prick your finger to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels through your current tester
If you are testing at the moment

also I wasn’t sure
if you are possibly overweight and whether you need to reduce weight as well ?
although I appreciate this post was about your anxiety for taking insulin
any time you need to pop along to this great forum

I need to wrap this post up now I need to go and prepare my breakfast which will be a very different breakfast to what I used to eat a few years ago, since I started eating a good healthy breakfast I’ve seen it doesn’t spike my blood sugar levels like a cab laden breakfast used to

hope some of my shared experience helps you

Is there any cereal that's lower in carbs in could have? I can't cook due to a physical illness and Greek yoguart is horrible for me.
M&S do a Granola “grain Free Fruit & Nut” that is 8.2g Carb per 100g. I have it with Greek Yogurt, Blueberries (or Raspberries) and some chia seeds.

I too hated Greek Yoghurt but now tolerate it as long as I mix with cinnamon. I’ve also always disliked nuts and loathe coconut!

I wouldn’t say I enjoy my breakfast but it’s edible and filling and I’d rather keep my eye sight etc!

I do think I probably burn as many calories chewing it than I consume though LOL and it’s not quick to eat! But I do find it filling :-D
Is there any cereal that's lower in carbs in could have?

Some people find porridge works for them. @Martin.A used to find a single Weetabix was OK.

When I first started systematically checking levels 2hrs after eating I was horrified to see how my body reacted to high fibre cereals I’d been told were a ‘good choice’ because the fibre would “slow down the carbs”. Unfortunately it didn’t for me, and I couldn’t have either porridge or weetabix without a big rise in BG levels.

Is it all yoghurt you don’t like? Could you try a different full fat yoghurt as the basis of the bowl, so that a sprinkle of granola etc is just to add the crunch along with some berries, rather than being the main event?
I was always told.insilin hurts as is bad but I see now that now. Any good ideas for food?
dont know who told you that but they were talking bull As for food have a look in the food/recipes section full of good ideas and tips Ask away dont be afraid to post away no question to small/large or to silly