Nathan's clinic appointment..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Good morning to you all..

Firstly...its good to be back....🙂

We seem to have had a few excellent Hb readings lately..Well done to you all.
On that note I will be getting Nathan's in a few hours time.....😱...These appointments always make me
Anyway I would like to throw it all open for you to take a guess...

His last Hb was 6.8

I have since reduced his insulin by 38units combined...readings have been a little erratic swinging high but more so on the low...many more hypo's which I am working hard at trying to avoid

I will post the results this afternoon..will be about 2pm

well hi heidi fingers crossed , seems he had good hba,s so this one should be fine to i will not see the results till after 4 myself but good luck xx
we have been having a little fun where we have been guessing peopls hba1cs and i know a couple of us are awating AM.s results tomoz so i will go for 6.6%
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I'm going for 6.4% - I have no idea why! He sounds a bit like I was in the early months, but of course, I didn't have things like growth spurts and the stresses of teenage 'Kevin' life to deal with!

Hoping the day goes well, and that Nathan comes away feeling more positive🙂
Umm I'll say 6.1 , glad to see you "home " honey !! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
5.9 - mostly because he has been suffering a lot of hypo's.:(Bev
Hi All.....

Well the result is in...and I'm suprised..with all thing considered hypo's..massive drop in insulin

Nathan 6.8

He has also lost 2kg in weight...really pleased about that.
Grown 3cm

What is suprising though is the hospital can offer no reason for all the hypo's and the need for a dramatic decrease in insulin...they have seen it before in some children..and the word some phenomonen was mentioned although with no specific name.

Because of the hypo's and his loss of awareness they have advised me to alter his doses to what I feel I would like to try.

They say I'm doing something different and Im not...but whatever it is they say its brilliant and keep it up

Oh...while I was there I asked what is an average teenagers Hb for our area just out of interest...Girls are usually between 11-13 poss 14
Boy are usually between 10-12

Well done Heidi and Nath !!!! 🙂🙂 good results :D
thats great news for you both well done nathan and heidi x

p.s nobody guessed right 🙂
...Oh...while I was there I asked what is an average teenagers Hb for our area just out of interest...Girls are usually between 11-13 poss 14 Boy are usually between 10-12

Did they give you a target Heidi? 6.8 sounds pretty good, considering all the changes he's undergoing! Those averages for children sound very high, especially the girls. As for the insulin reductions, you may know that I've had the same thing - down from around 60 units total per day to around 32-35 now. I'm seeing my DSN tomorrow and am going to ask her about it, so if she has any explanation I'll let you know. Of course it may be a very different thing in adults so might not be the same reason.
Great news Heidi! So pleased for you and Nathan. What a team you are! 🙂
Well done, Heidi! Good grief! Especially given all the adjustments you've had to be making...Good job.

Is he pleased enough?

(btw, in our area DSN says hba1cs for teenagers tend to be around 9 for a good one, most higher. Don't know what to make of that...)
Hi Heidi,

Congratulations to you and Nathan! All the hard work has paid off it seems!

Although i wouldnt be too happy with the clinics non-explanation of such a huge decrease in insulin requirements. Surely they must have some clue as to why he suddenly needs so much less insulin? After all he is a growing boy and his requirements must surely need to be increased with growth hormones etc?

Also, as you have told us all - poor Nathan does suffer quite a few hypo's and i am wondering if this goes some way to why his hba1c is nearly on target, as obviously this has an effect on the result. But too many hypo's isnt the answer in gaining a good hba1c as you will know. I know all teams are different in their approach to diabetes - but the basics should be the same.

At the DUK weekend we went to,they told us that there is now a school of thought that suggests its just as serious to have erratic levels (i.e. from high to lows a lot of the time) as it is to have just high levels. So they said it is advisable to try to avoid such extremes of levels as the complications can be just the same as they are for higher levels.

I wonder what the phenomenon was that they were trying to explain to you? I will have a look in the ragnar hanas later, as i would be interested to know about this myself.

Still very good results though! Perhaps if Northerner does get an answer from his team it might help us to understand what this phenomenon is about!:DBev
Hi Bev...

I understand fully what you saying on this..and I have my concerns...hypo's and then high's are not good...Nor am I too happy with the hospital's apparent non explanation for the sudden decrease in Nathan's insulin requirements...although they did say they had seen it before..not many other children/teenagers..

I would really welcome anyones help on this there understanding and knowledge may be able to shed light on the could be that the answer is looking at me..but I'm damned at this moment that I can find it???

If Adrienne gets to read this i am sure she will have a theory about it! She is always so knowledgeable - well she has had 9 years of it!😉Bev x
Heidi, I feel a rush of a need to let you know you're doing such a good job. I just think it's such a good result for an incredibly tricky situation.

As others are saying, maybe Northerner's chat with his people will help...

All I know is that we were told teenagers can need up to 1.5 or 1.7 units per kg weight during growth...whereas adults *tend* to need something closer to .75u per kg weight. Could it be that Nathan's growth is settling? Or is he still growing strong?! Totally arbitrary thought, but oh well...
Hi Bev...

I understand fully what you saying on this..and I have my concerns...hypo's and then high's are not good...Nor am I too happy with the hospital's apparent non explanation for the sudden decrease in Nathan's insulin requirements...although they did say they had seen it before..not many other children/teenagers..

I would really welcome anyones help on this there understanding and knowledge may be able to shed light on the could be that the answer is looking at me..but I'm damned at this moment that I can find it???


Hi Heidi

Great result but I understand your dilema. I've asked on the email group about the phenomomen (sorry my spelling is rubbish). There is the dawn phen...... and there is another one which has been proved rubbish so have asked for a brief lowdown on both.

I agree with Bev that the amount of hypos will play a big part of the HbA1c.

I also say that if my hospital was tell me those averages for an HbA1c for children/teens or anyone I would be running a mile and in the opposite direction from that hospital. That is atrocious. They can say all they like about hormones etc but on a pump the right numbers the majority of the time is accessible. If they don't pump and they are happy with those numbers then shame on them as medical people. Sorry but I get so cross with comments that our supposed doctors are telling people.

What hospital are you under Heidi? I have a list of good and bad ones, purely collated from people's experiences, not a formal things by any means.
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