My silly question

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Back in the day (Jan 1984) I was taught to inject into an orange. It was completely pointless and didn't help at all!
I was then given an insulin pen without a cartridge in it and asked to try doing a mock injection (ie.pinching up the fat on my stomach and inserting the needle but not pressing the button to inject like you normally would do).

Same for me! pinch the skin, put it in, pull it out, now your an expert! Was doing my insulin by myself after 3 days in hospital! Wish i could have checked my own sugar levels though as the finger pricker they used hurt! especially when they did it at 3am!
When i was in hospital the nurse said to me i dont now how you inject yourself she said i do injections to people myself, but could not inject myself? 😱
But my question would be to those who did use an orange, did you eat it after, did nurse eat it for lunch was it thrown away???? Anybody get to use a blood orange???!?
Probably tastes awful, the insulin would have taken all the sugar away.😛
When i was in hospital the nurse said to me i dont now how you inject yourself she said i do injections to people myself, but could not inject myself? 😱

I imagine it is easier to inject yourself than someone else, although I don't know for sure. If you're life and health depends on it, you do what you have to do, and there is no point in being squeemish about it. Ofcourse if I had a child who needed injections I'd do it for their health...
Sorry Rossi but no we were told to throw the oranges away, and we only used sterile water! We practised for any type of injection not just diabetese.

Can remember giving my first injection to a patient as sister stood over me, and patient asking if it was my first time and sister said 'no of course not, we just have to check from time to time that our nurses are doing injections correctly!' :0 After the 1st one the rest come easily . . . . . . lol

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