My Results are in.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed T2 at the end of January 2024 with a score of 54mmol/mol.
After 3 months of walking and not eating what I wanted to I have received a result of 42.
No need for congratulations _ I feel smug enough! Just got to keep this up for the next 22 years til I am 90.
I was diagnosed T2 at the end of January 2024 with a score of 54mmol/mol.
After 3 months of walking and not eating what I wanted to I have received a result of 42.
No need for congratulations _ I feel smug enough! Just got to keep this up for the next 22 years til I am 90.
Just shows hard work pays off.
Excellent result. Have a gold star instead of a congratulations!
Well done on that drop. You're a whisker away from being in normal range so keep it up.
I was diagnosed T2 at the end of January 2024 with a score of 54mmol/mol.
After 3 months of walking and not eating what I wanted to I have received a result of 42.
No need for congratulations _ I feel smug enough! Just got to keep this up for the next 22 years til I am 90.
Well done and you should feel smug!
It can be done.
Pleased you’ve had such a good result. Makes me think that I should have mine tested again as my reading at the beginning of January was 46 and I have followed a low carb diet ever since. Losing over half a stone . I wasn’t particularly overweight but won’t do any harm. My fear is that I haven’t given myself long enough and if it hasn’t come down I’d be so disappointed but after your results I probably should make an appointment as I was just told they’d see what it was next year but I would like to know before then just to give me some hope.
I have found this forum very helpful as found it all very confusing at first and it has taught me how to count carbs as I was concentrating more on the sugar content in food. Thanks to Martin. A for your suggestions of riced cauliflower as have found that plus the Kind bars and also Celeriac which I enjoy mashed or I tried roasting some in my air fryer and they were lovely.
I was diagnosed T2 at the end of January 2024 with a score of 54mmol/mol.
After 3 months of walking and not eating what I wanted to I have received a result of 42.
No need for congratulations _ I feel smug enough! Just got to keep this up for the next 22 years til I am 90.
Bon Voyage
Pleased you’ve had such a good result. Makes me think that I should have mine tested again as my reading at the beginning of January was 46 and I have followed a low carb diet ever since. Losing over half a stone . I wasn’t particularly overweight but won’t do any harm. My fear is that I haven’t given myself long enough and if it hasn’t come down I’d be so disappointed but after your results I probably should make an appointment as I was just told they’d see what it was next year but I would like to know before then just to give me some hope.
I have found this forum very helpful as found it all very confusing at first and it has taught me how to count carbs as I was concentrating more on the sugar content in food. Thanks to Martin. A for your suggestions of riced cauliflower as have found that plus the Kind bars and also Celeriac which I enjoy mashed or I tried roasting some in my air fryer and they were lovely.
Pretty much the same as what happened to me a couple of years ago. Keep going and I bet you will be in high 30's next test, then hover round that figure which will be a great moral boost. Congratulations!
After reading these I’m going to make an appointment for another blood test . I’ve been following a low carb diet since the beginning of January when my reading was 46 so I definitely need to know I’m on the right track as I’m becoming obsessed with it all. Just a worrier and frightened that it hasn’t altered then I’d be devastated.
After reading these I’m going to make an appointment for another blood test . I’ve been following a low carb diet since the beginning of January when my reading was 46 so I definitely need to know I’m on the right track as I’m becoming obsessed with it all. Just a worrier and frightened that it hasn’t altered then I’d be devastated.
You might find that your HbA1c has not altered, but it is nothing to be concerned about.
I tried to push my test results down my eating fewer carb, reduced the maximum by 10 gm per day every day for a year. my Hba1c was 42 to start the year, and it was 42 at the next test.
Fortunately I knew that my glucose levels were lower as I had checked from time to time, and I knew that age and the reduced replacement of blood cells could be important, and I had been told that my need for Thyroxine had reduced as my thyroid appeared to be working better than for the last couple of decades.
The link between blood glucose and HbA1c is obviously not something mechanical, so a static or slight increase even, does not necessarily indicate poorer control of blood glucose.
Not really clear about your reply as thought 42 would be good. What else can I do but follow a low carb diet. Find it all very confusing and find it gets rather too scientific. I’ll just carry on and do my best as not sure what else I can do. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed.
Not really clear about your reply as thought 42 would be good. What else can I do but follow a low carb diet. Find it all very confusing and find it gets rather too scientific. I’ll just carry on and do my best as not sure what else I can do. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed.
42mmol/mol is just on the first rung of the 'at risk' zone so people like to try to drop down below that to be in normal range.
As long a you don't get creep upwards and you are doing your best to maintain where you are then given your age you should be happy with that. There is newer NICE guidelines which suggest that levels for diagnosis should be more flexible for more mature folk.
The 42 wasn’t my reading it was Drummers I was just saying that 42 didn’t seem that bad. Mine was 46 and after 4 months of doing all that is recommended I would just love to know if it’s working. The comment from Drummer just made me feel a bit disappointed as after all the hard work and following some good advice on here I would hate it if mine has stayed the same. I haven’t actually stated my age before but I’m a fit and active 76 year old female.
Pretty much the same as what happened to me a couple of years ago. Keep going and I bet you will be in high 30's next test, then hover round that figure which will be a great moral boost. Congratulations!
Thanks for that. I will do my best. Unfortunately I like alcohol and anything in the food department thats bad for me.
I will do my best but I will just have to adjust to a careful diet.
Well done on that drop. You're a whisker away from being in normal range so keep it up.
Thanks. I will certainly give it my best shot. Seems the existing diet/exercise regime will have to continue for ever!
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