My Pump

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All excited now 🙂 2 more sleeps and il have my Pump cant wait very nervous though

You will be fine 🙂 I doubt there's very many who were not nervous or a little aprehensive on day 1. 🙂
It is an anxious time but you soon get to grips with it. Try not to worry everyone will help if you get stuck
Hi Guys
Well what a day 🙂 but a good one . thats me on my Pump with saline till Mon 11 th Feb when i do my course , was all excited at Hospital getting hooked up with 5 other people so far so good but earli days ha ha ha.
Question for you tonight had a cake to celebrate 10.30pm BG 5.0 had 39carbs put all that in to pump n it deliverd, But before you would of had 3 cp to cover 39 carb portions as BG was only 5 bit low for me going to bed did i do pump rite ??? or should i have dont it diffrant sorry if im confusing the way i type things
Err dunno Marier because you haven't told us how much insulin the pump delivered ! (well saline not insulin, but what was the actual dose it calculated?)

Say your ratio was 1u to 1CP and you only had a 1u pen, you would have injected 3u as you say, because your BG was 5.0 when you started. But you've put all your carb ratios and correction ratios and what numbers you want it to correct to at each time of day, into the Settings on the pump, so the Bolus Wizard on the pump should have calculated exactly how much insulin you needed to achieve that exact level. So it would start off by saying Marier needs 3.9u of insulin, then I have to knock off the exact amount of insulin from that 3.9 u to bring her BG up to 6.5 because that's what my settings say to do. So it may tell you you need 3.2u or 2.8 or whatever it works out the answer to based on what the settings say.

Does that make any sense at all? or have I just totally confused you!
Hi Marier, pleased you have your pump 🙂
As TW says re your question 🙂
Thanx TR
So basically i did it right yes on 1 unit to 10 grm carb . So it does it all for you goin by info that you put in ?? by goodness its afull clever certainly taking me a while to get kinda used to it but earli days but so far so good
thank u
There is nothing perfect but a pump is the best so far ! 🙂 You will learn a lot in the next few months. 😉
Well Marie, it may look like Well I could have worked that out, what's so clever about that then? - but where it does come into its own is when 2 hours after your dinner you fancy some pudding ... cos it knows how much fast acting you still have to run (and it isn't just 'half') so it takes that and your current BG into account when calculating what you now need to bolus for the carbs in your dessert.

It tends to be always right. I sometimes don't believe it and manually alter it and guess what? it's always me that was wrong .... :D

And multi wave or extended bluses and fancy stuff that you just can't do on MDI. Apart from your basal being right nearly 24 hours out of 24 instead of about 4 hours a day .....

How annoying is that? LOL
Thanx TW doing ok with even did a change today but got myslf in bit of panic but i did it will be better on Sun
Do any of you know where i could try purchse some screen protector for my Vibe ??
Hi Enjoyn my first week with pump on saline water, getting bit more used to it go to Insulin on Sun TTime
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