My manager is a . .

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
. . . *insert your own suitabley offensive word here*!!

I today sent my boss an email explaining that i was very sorry but on the first week of January I have a hospital appointment to find out whether i actually do have hypothyroidism and what disasterous effect the last few months of haywire have had on my A1c.

Now ive spoken to him about this in the past because it really upset me when I was first told i might have it and ive suffered with quite a lot of the symptoms since.

Personally i felt it better to tell work about it all rather than them just think i was being a stroppy cow, well stroppier than normal anyway!!

Anyway back to the point. In his wisdom he decided to to respond to my email and COPY IN THE WHOLE REST OF MY TEAM!!! Including my original, detailed explanation of what the hospital had said and what i was about to go through in January.

I feel really angry but more so, really upset and let down. Ive always tried to be really up front about my diabetes and what it means for me and have always felt a little like my manager has never really thought my diabetes is particularly serious and that perhaps it was something i did that brought it on. I often get commenst like, "were you drinking last night" or "did you eat something bad yesterday" if i have a hypo etc.

This latest indescretion just proves how little thought and importance he gives it.

So i know i have to go in tomorrow and deal with it because i feel he has crossed a line this time by not respecting my privacy and breaking my confidence. But i just dont think i should have to and im feeling really fed up. He would never share any of my other team members reason for visiting the hospital/doctor and i dont understand why he thinks its ok for me.

And to top it all off ive just eaten a whole 125g of galaxy which means im going to go to bed with a stupid BG.

Hi Viki what a total t**t he sounds, that is totally wrong what he did sharing all your info like that surely they are rules about that kind of thing and he has clearly broken them, you expect as an emplyer a degree of confidentially creesping in when it comes to discussing/emails etc that go on between you and your boss, often you get the odd self centred get who really dont give a dam but surely some degree of compassion at least is needed, id see if you can speak to some one higher in authority at work hun.they is certainly no need for you to feel victimised, do you have a union rep you can approach?.

just a tiny thing on his side, maybe he thought telling everyone might be handy if anythng was ever to happen to you in front of any of your collegues, but really that was your decsion to make and really the only people who need to kno would be the first aiders.
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Hi Viki what a total t**t he sounds, that is totally wrong what he did sharing all your info like that surely they are rules about that kind of thing and he has clearly broken them, you expect as an emplyer a degree of confidentially creesping in when it comes to discussing/emails etc that go on between you and your boss, often you get the odd self centred get who really dont give a dam but surely some degree of compassion at least is needed, id see if you can speak to some one higher in authority at work hun.they is certainly no need for you to feel victimised, do you have a union rep you can approach?.

Im going to speak to the manager above him who much better at stuff like that and tell him how angry i am. Then im going to have it out with my boss myself. I want to hear first hand what possible excuse he could possibly think he has.
Out of order, no question about it. I tried inserting some dam right rude words, but of all the ones I managed to spell the computer said no!

I hope you feel better after the taste of choco, and more so I hope you have the strength to speak with him and explain yourself so the dumb fool realises what a dumb fool he has been (he's been a dumb fool)

I hope your team don't treat you any differently because of this, or at least not for long.

Take care of yourself, get bradders to do some pampering or something😉!

Im going to speak to the manager above him who much better at stuff like that and tell him how angry i am. Then im going to have it out with my boss myself. I want to hear first hand what possible excuse he could possibly think he has.

well hopefully this person above him will have words there self and explain you just cant behave that way it is bang outta order, BUT viki just a friendly warning you go kickin off a stink about things may make you feel worse then you do now, BUT of course i can totally see your side and he does deserve to stand in the middle of the room and explain himself, have any of your collegues that have seen email approached you an said anything??
well hopefully this person above him will have words there self and explain you just cant behave that way it is bang outta order, BUT viki just a friendly warning you go kickin off a stink about things may make you feel worse then you do now, BUT of course i can totally see your side and he does deserve to stand in the middle of the room and explain himself, have any of your collegues that have seen email approached you an said anything??

I wont confront him in public and ill speak to big boss before i do incase he thinks i should do somethign different. I just dont want it to be a word in his ear and all forgotten. i want to look him in the eye and see what his reasoning is.

I still havent forgiven him for the "is that because of your diet aswell?" comment when i first told him about the hypothyroid thing. ASWELL??? as well as what????

I have a serious case of rage incase you havent noticed peeps!
get bradders to do some pampering or something😉!

He did just brave the cold and the ice after sitting in snowy traffic for 3 hours, to walk me down the road to get said chocolate 🙂 Bless him x
I wont confront him in public and ill speak to big boss before i do incase he thinks i should do somethign different. I just dont want it to be a word in his ear and all forgotten. i want to look him in the eye and see what his reasoning is.

I still havent forgiven him for the "is that because of your diet aswell?" comment when i first told him about the hypothyroid thing. ASWELL??? as well as what????

I have a serious case of rage incase you havent noticed peeps!

you have every right he has totally handled things appaulingly hun, good luck with tomorrow x
Sounds like this bloke is an absolute James Blunt. Have a chat with the people above him. He shouldn't be passing on things like that to the people you work with. All they need to know is that you're going to be missing one one day. Nothing else really. Personally I'd say that he was being incompetent by passing around that sort of information as well as various other things.

As for inserting rude words, well, my language is a little too fruity to be allowed out into polite society. That and Northerner would come down on my like a tonne of bricks for it lol!
I can think of a word for him:


Report him for sure. What he did was bang out of order.
At the very least his approach is inethical. Worst a complete breach of your confidentiality, especially stupid as he did this via email, which shows intent.

You could consider bringing a formal complaint against him and the company under the DDA (part 2 Discrimination in employment, I recall) which is where he is potentially failing to take account of your disability in his considerations and comments made and as such arguably in his judgement and treating of you as a diabetic. Or in the eyes of the DDA, disabled.

In addition to discussing this with him and the next line of management I?d perhaps suggest a discussion with your HR department to advise them of the lack of consideration and biased comments you receive.

It?s fair enough if you regularly are out drinking regularly and are worse for it the next day, then your defence is weakened.

If you aren?t already, keeping a diary of all events should be recorded. I?m also sure your colleagues aren?t too impressed seeing your personal emails being bounded around by this individual, surely it will make them think twice when discussing anything with them.
At the very least his approach is inethical. Worst a complete breach of your confidentiality, especially stupid as he did this via email, which shows intent.
This is what I thought when I read the first post. Forget whether he meant to do this or not, but by including your colleagues in on the email he's made public information about your diabetes which as medical information is something you have a right to keep private.

I think someone needs to make it clear to your manager what he did wrong and why it was wrong and make sure he doesn't do it again, to you or any of your colleagues.
I found this .

If someone has compromised your privacy at work, the action you should take depends on the severity of the breach. For a minor infraction, it may be sufficient to discuss the matter with the perpetrator and ask them not to do the same again in future.

If the invasion is somewhat more serious, such as someone requesting access to your personnel file without a legitimate need for it, then you may wish to complain to the snooper’s manager. By escalating the problem in this way, you may be able to ensure that the perpetrator does not reoffend, and you have the opportunity to request that the company tightens up its security so that similar breaches become less likely in the future.

As a last resort, you may need to contact the police. If you believe that your privacy has been invaded with criminal intent then this could be a wise course of action, since, even if it does not result in a prosecution, it will send a strong signal that you are aware of what has taken place and you are prepared to defend yourself.
If you wanted to pursue it I'd say there is a data protection issue there, as a manager he shouldn't disclose peronal information like that to others without your consent. At the very least it shows carelessness/incompentance, at worst it could be a lot more.

Of course whether you want to follow it up formally or informally is your call. I'd have said you're right speaking to his line manager first, see how the land lies and how you want to handle it.

I hope the chocolate was good! I have half a Mars (dark chocolate one) sitting right next to me now, very very tempted....
WOW that is completely out of order. I can't believe he could be so stupid.

My head of year told my whole year at school that i'd been diagnosed, completely forgetting about confidentiality. I really wanted to go up to him and give him a piece of my mind, but I was too upset to talk, I just ended up crying :( I still don't get how people could be so careless and stupid though, surely they realise it's a personal thing?!

I seem to remember you talking about a comment this guy has made before (or maybe it was someone else, but I think it was along the lines of "did you do something to cause that hypo"), maybe it's time to make a formal complaint?

Goodluck, whatever you decide to do 🙂
I hope that you manage to sort it out today, as with everyone else I think it was wrong what he did. There must be some work's policy about emails/internet useage etc. I would think that it contains something about confidentiality.

He doesn't sound the most sympathetic and understanding of peeople, form this and other things you've mentioned about him. Maybe a talk with the big boss will alter his behaviour.

Hope the chocolate made you feel better, I always wnat chocolate when I'm feeling rubbish
Viki, what a total ass you boss is.

For one thing he has absolutely no business in breaching Employer, Employee confidentiality and letting other people know about your medical conditions without your express permission. Even if you didn't mind your work colleagues being told, copying them into an e-mail is highly inapropriate and totally insensitive.

I would make a formal complaint to his manager about this particular incident.

I would also think with his general attitude towards you that he could be reported for breaching the Disability at Work Act as his attitude seems very predjudiced, what with his snide comments about your illness and his total disregard for your wellbeing which is a basic duty that all manager's should be concerned with.

I hope this ignorant and thoughtless man gets his comeuppance!
If you wanted to pursue it I'd say there is a data protection issue there, as a manager he shouldn't disclose peronal information like that to others without your consent. At the very least it shows carelessness/incompentance, at worst it could be a lot more.

Of course whether you want to follow it up formally or informally is your call. I'd have said you're right speaking to his line manager first, see how the land lies and how you want to handle it.

I hope the chocolate was good! I have half a Mars (dark chocolate one) sitting right next to me now, very very tempted....

While the DPA (Data Protection Act) is relevant here, it is an expensive area of law to bring a civil case under and it's unlikely the data comissionaire would take too much interest in one case, perhaps issuing a default notice.

However, with his clear prejudice and discrimination against you as a diabetic and in the eyes of the law as a disabled person, the DDA is a far more effective chunk of legislation. Section 2 of the Act is quite unforgiving, however, there is a due process that should be adhered too if you were to continue along those lines. PM me if you want an outline of this.

The upside of the DDA from a civil perpsective is that generally the route of bringing a case to court is through the County Court, meaning you don't need to engage legal advisors, nor are the costs anywhere close to the costs of bringing a civil case under the DDA, where generally the only Court to handle such cases is the High Court.

His comments are purely discriminatory, his circulation of this information via email is stupid, unexplainable, inconsiderate, unprofessional and deeply offensive to you and your colleagues. Who I am sure are sympathetic to your health, but also probably now fear ever approaching this individual again with any personal issue for fear of his blatant disclosure of their private and confidential information.

I don't know how big your department is, or how well you get on with your colleagues and in turn, they with your manager. One avenue would be for them individually to approach his management and HR each airing a grievance about the way he has handled and circulated such personal information and that they can no longer trust him as a manager to act with any discretion about their private and confidential communication.

As an aside, within Outlook and Notes it is possible to classify emails - normal, confidential, personal etc when you're sending them. In future it might be worth flagging these as confidential, so at least he can go to a dictionary to see what the word means.

Good luck today, keep your head but put your point firmly.
OMG my blood is boiling reading this!!!!!!

What an absolute t####r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would suggest he needs to explain himself and also needs full education on diabetes and living with it day to day!!! I am more than happy to come and do it hun!!!!! ARRRGGGGHHH!!!

Sorry to hear about your thyroid problems chick...least we are all here to understand and support you.

I agree with going to the manager above him, is more likely to get something back when you can...

And dont worry I've got ure back!!!!!!! (not that I'm scary heheeh)

Lots of hugs xxx
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