.My Hba1c has gone up to102.How can I get this to ho down to better levels and what foods would you suggest that fill u up but are low in carbs.Thank

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My hba1c has increased to 102 due to stress and bad diet.Ihave been told I could go onto insulin.Obviously I need to make changes I i was wondering what foods people would suggest that fill you up but are low in carbs.I was on Rybelsus which helped alot but that is now unavailable annoyingly and so I have been put on other drugs
Welcome to the forum. That is seriously high and with a combination of medication which undoubtedly you will have been prescribed and some dietary changes then hopefully you will be able to reduce your HbA1C before too long as it must be making you feel pretty rubbish.
Many find that a low carbohydrate approach is successful and that may be suitable for you depending on what medication you have been prescribed.
Have a look at this link as it has some menu plans to suit various tastes and budgets, there are also some do's and don'ts and good explanation https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Diet is equally as important as medication and many find that by making those changes the 'threat' of insulin is avoided.
Choosing low carb foods but making sure you have plenty of protein and healthy fats will still give you filling tasty meals.
102 is very high, especially if it's got that high when you're already on medication, and I can understand why you want to try and turn things around rather than move on to insulin. @Leadinglights has pointed you in the right direction so it's well worth taking a look.
My hba1c has increased to 102 due to stress and bad diet.Ihave been told I could go onto insulin.Obviously I need to make changes I i was wondering what foods people would suggest that fill you up but are low in carbs.I was on Rybelsus which helped alot but that is now unavailable annoyingly and so I have been put on other drugs

i have found Optifast bars are good. Each bar is around 200 calories and 20g carbs. If I have one for breakfast it lasts until lunch. I only buy them when they are 3 for 2 or 25% off - which luckily is quite often - as they are a bit expensive but do the job.
I'm going to say something brutally honest. Taking semaglutide whatever form it's in to prevent hunger is not much good on its own, unless you also wean yourself off eating high carb crap at the same time. Please don't get hooked on protein bars!
I’ve successfully reduced my HbA1c following a low carb approach. It does take some thinking about but it’s become second nature now. I am allowing myself a few treats now but I was so very strict with myself in the beginning.

I still eats lots of food and haven’t gone hungry at all. I eat lots of eggs, veggies, berries (mainly strawberries), chicken, fish, pork, nuts, yogurt (full fat which is a delight). I have also cut my processed food intake down to practically zero.

Yes, I miss rice, pasta, bread and potatoes but I don’t miss feeling crappy every day of my life so it’s a good trade off for me.

Medication will assist with reducing your levels but ultimately it’s what you eat and what you weigh that will have the most impact. Good luck, you can do it xx
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