My Eye Screeing Shows SOME Signs Of Diabetic Retinopathy.......whats the treatment ?

I am quite new here and just reading through this gives me some hope. I was diagnosed about 19 months ago but suspected something was wrong before that. I had just lost my husband and really didn't want to face up to anything else. 3 months ago I had my first retinal screening unfortunately it was r2m1. I have lost about 2 stone since diagnosis and got my BG down from over 100 to 56. Still trying! I am now terrified most days and continually courted internet for success stories that there is a chance they can save my sight. It is awful all consuming. I sit most days thinking I am going to be blind and alone. I have an oct scan in 4 weeks I guess so they can determine if I need treatment. My visual acuity so far is good but I don't know how long for. Can anyone please advise? Xx
I am quite new here and just reading through this gives me some hope. I was diagnosed about 19 months ago but suspected something was wrong before that. I had just lost my husband and really didn't want to face up to anything else. 3 months ago I had my first retinal screening unfortunately it was r2m1. I have lost about 2 stone since diagnosis and got my BG down from over 100 to 56. Still trying! I am now terrified most days and continually courted internet for success stories that there is a chance they can save my sight. It is awful all consuming. I sit most days thinking I am going to be blind and alone. I have an oct scan in 4 weeks I guess so they can determine if I need treatment. My visual acuity so far is good but I don't know how long for. Can anyone please advise? Xx
Welcome to the forum
Probably not what you want to hear but your eye screening result indicates some severe retinopathy and you should be seen by a hospital eye specialist which hopefully is who you will see following the OCT scan.
Dr google says Pre-proliferative retinopathy (severe) – high risk R2M0 / R2M1
The retina shows severe pre-proliferative changes that need further assessment. The next appointment will be at the local hospital with an eye specialist. Severe pre-proliferative eye disease is more likely to progress to proliferative retinopathy that needs treatment within a year.
Certainly keeping your blood glucose well managed will help to stabilise your eye condition.