My dream...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This morning i dreamed there where 4 ambulance people at the end of my bed, try to feed my things, and freaking me out.

Turns out there was 3 of them and my husband try to make me eat sweets.
My Husband said he woke up and i was out of it, i was not responding to him or my alarm clock, i was just sitting there, nodding or shaking my head at him, He said i looked 'brain dead'. I dont remember any of this.
But he called 999 because i wouldnt listern to him and he didnt know what to do.
My bloods were only 2.3, so i have been lower and still known what was going on. But this time i was so out of it, thought i was having a horrid dream i couldnt wake up from. I was so spaced out.
The Ambulance man said i should contact my dr or midwife and sort my hypos out, i meant to do this anyway today, suppose this will make me do it now.
Then when i got back to feeling like me i then felt rubbish for not being able to look after myself and freaking him out.

He said i was ok, and its not a bad hypo for him. Id hate to see a bad one then, because i was out of my head!

I dont even remember anything that happened really. But i am ok now, b/s and pressure both ok 🙂
Just feel freaked out xxx but luckly to have my husband 🙂
Time for a little hubby training I think!

Good to hear that you're OK now though.

Andy 🙂
Hubby was doing just the right thing, trying to get Phoebe to eat sweets, although hope they were jelly types, rather than very chewy toffees or hard boiled sweets. If you can tolerate the taste of Hypostop, now called Glucogel, then that's more suitable, especially if semi-conscious / half asleep - I can't, but only discovered when my partner tried to make me eat some one night, and couldn't understand my reluctance until he tasted it and found some sweets instead!
Ambulance man is right - do ask Dr or midwife for help / advice to sort out hypos.
And to be fair to hubby, it's not nice dealing with any period of impaired consciousness - I use that all encompassing phrase, because I know what it's like to deal with fits in patients, random stangers on trains & streets etc, and know it would be worse if it were someone close to me.
Be easy on yourself - dealing with pregnancy is tough, even without diabetes, with the "guilt" of potential harm to baby. Do ask GP or midwife - they'll be able to explain the risks clearly and help to improve control.
Scary stuff............

My other half has said that I have been in the state once before, but I never remembered anything, so it was

Glad your OK...........
Hubby did a good job - so well done to him.🙂

I would suggest that in future you leave either mini cans of coke or lucozade by your bed with a straw. Trying to get someone to chew sweets when they are out of it is never going to work, but if you stick a straw in the mouth you should find it a lot easier, plus liquid always works a lot quicker than a sweet. Glad your feeling better. I wonder whether you had been a lot lower than 2.3 and were coming out of it yourself?🙂Bev
I'm glad you're OK now. Hubby did the right thing in getting help. I hope you manage to get the help you need to deal with hypos and preventing them.
Wow Phoebe, sorry to hear this but glad that help was at hand and that you came through it OK. Surprising that a 2.3 made you feel like that - I've had a few at that level and below - but maybe it was because it happened in your sleep so your brain couldn't quite work out what was happening or wake up properly because of the hypo? I think your hubby did exactly the right thing getting help, you really can't be too careful especially with control being difficult to predict because of the baby.

I do worry should this ever happen to me as I live alone. I've got a bottle of lucozade by the bed that's been there for over a year now, just in case! I even loosened the cap so I wouldn't have trouble getting it off.
Oh dear Phoebe, do hope your feeling better by now. Must have been very scary for you and your hubby! Take care of yourself, lv shirl x
hope you are feeling okay this morning very scary stuff
Good on old hubby hun, pleased your ok now xx very scary
Oh goodness, glad you are ok now, and hubby was there to look after you. I wonder if you could get a CGMS for a bit to check out what is happening with your blood sugars.

Pregnancy and diabetes is a very unpredictable combination.

I just want to clarify something.

I do agree that your husband was right to get help if what he was doing wasn't making any difference.

My inexpertly expressed statement earlier was trying to suggest that it would have been better if he was able to deal with your hypo himself because it would have been faster than waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

But, I wasn't there and don't know what happened and so please don't take my statement as being critical in any way. Only you and your husband know whether there was anything that he could have done differently.

Hope you're feeling better now.
I just want to clarify something.

I do agree that your husband was right to get help if what he was doing wasn't making any difference.

My inexpertly expressed statement earlier was trying to suggest that it would have been better if he was able to deal with your hypo himself because it would have been faster than waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

But, I wasn't there and don't know what happened and so please don't take my statement as being critical in any way. Only you and your husband know whether there was anything that he could have done differently.


I think its funny now, he said i wouldnt listern to him at all, id shut my teeth tight so he coudltn get anything in. I wouldnt listern to what he was telling me and juts kept trying to sleep, i think its funny how stubborn i am even in a situation like this.

Because they where all trying to make me go back up nobody thought about the effect on my sugars, they went up to 18.8! half an hour later. Not good, had to then spend all day trying to get it down but not wanting to get it down to much incase of aniother hypo.

I bought some lucozade, its 2 for ?1.30 at the spar 1 is ?1.37, so cheaper to get 2.

Spoke to my nurse going to bring my basal down to 22 from 26, and then call her on friday to talk about how its going. She shouted at me rightly for not keeping a dairy of bloodsugars, so i am now.

Nathaniel my husband is wondeful, he always keeps a cool head no matter what. When we had to go a&e he was really relaxed. He said he wasnt worried yesterday just annoyed cause i woudlnt listern to him 🙂


Oh and im fine now, thank you all for your support :D
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Stubborness has it's place! Your Nathaniel sounds like a combination of my partner and my sister's brother in law - both are wonderfully calm. In fact, only time any of us can remember seeing my sister's husband remotely stressed was when their was a possibility of my sister being in one hospital and baby daughter being in another several miles away, due to undiagnosed breech presentation, resulting in emergency caesarian and baby needing a few days in SCBU for intravenous antibiotics, due to having inhaled some mecononium. My sister was fine - just relieved baby was OK - and baby is now a strapping 11 year old girl! I've already said how my partner was irritated I wouldn't take Hypostop - until he thought to taste it! He loves finding food offers for both of us for racing / marshalling etc, but he's a bit too fit and competitive for us to compete together, so I recently ran in a mountain marathon with brother in law - we'd planned to do one some 8 years ago, but brother in law fell ill with a cold, so my partner stepped in, ran well below his ability, but we did OK, and are still on speaking terms!
Anyway, hope pregnancy continues OK...
Sounds like a nightmare - glad you are feeling better and your husband sounds brilliant.

You make me laugh with the way you take things and laughing at yourself for your stubbornness.
Sounds like a nightmare - glad you are feeling better and your husband sounds brilliant.

You make me laugh with the way you take things and laughing at yourself for your stubbornness.

I blame my mum she is stubborn beyond belief, and so am i now, When theres nothing else left im still stubborn.

He said next time he will force lucozade down my neck 🙂

I wont tell him all the nice things you have said it will make him to happy with himself :D
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