My dr isn’t listening to me :(

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
Having a down day after an appointment with a dr today. I am recently diagnosed with Type 2 I am 23 with no risk factors and have been started on Gliclazide. My HBA1C was 105 and after taking Gliclazide (40mg twice a day) for 4 weeks my blood glucose is still averaging between 9&16. This is a slight improvement to what they were but barely, so I went to the doctors to ask them for a referral to a specialist to rule out LADA (after advice from the lady at the Desmond diabetes training) and the doctor turned round and basically told me to stop researching and being so fixated on what type I have and instead focus on bringing my levels down by changing my diet. I have a HBA1C retest in 3 weeks but I wanted to have a C-Peptide and GAD done to make sure they’re treating the right type. I feel so dismissed and defeated :(
I’d doubt it would even be LADA @Jas_99 You’re only young. It’s strange they assumed you’re Type 2 when you could be Type 1. Did you have any weight loss prior to diagnosis? Did you have ketones at diagnosis?

Could you ask for a second opinion? Another doctor might listen to you better.
Ok, I had slight weight loss nothing massive, no ketones I did a home urine test as I don’t think the doctors did a test (if they did they didn’t tell me). I think I’m going to have to wait and see what this next HBA1C comes back as to whether I’m type 1 as the medication will most likely won’t have worked if type 1. Just frustrating how tiny they can make you feel!
I totally get it. Some doctors are very patronising. If you have Ketostix, it might be worth testing your urine for ketones if your blood sugar is high.

If your HbA1C is higher than expected, do push for further tests and specifically ask them why they don’t think you’re Type 1. Also, mention your cousin.
@Jas_99, at your age and with your symptoms you're more likely to be type 1 than type 2. As said above, keep checking your ketones if your levels remain high, and push for a referral to a diabetes clinic.

FWIW, I was 22 when I had my type 1 "dèbut".
Strange how they jumped straight to type 2 diagnosis. Do you mind if I ask are there any other metabolic indicators that would lead them to this assumption ? High blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. are you testing your blood sugars at home ?
I thought so too, my cholesterol is slightly raised but not concerning everything else is normal. Yes I’ve bought my own monitor and strips and am testing regularly
I would definitely try to get a second opinion (and also a pot of Ketostix in the meanwhile, if you don't already have them, just in case) - if you are type 1 changing your diet will not help, no matter how much you focus on it, so the doctor's advice is not only patronising, it's also potentially dangerous.
Another voice saying ask for another appointment.

It may be that the GP has little experience of T1.
Keep checking and keep a record of tests you are doing, as these will be useful evidence.
Good that you are watching for ketones too.

Let us know how you get on.
Sorry to hear you have had such a frustrating appointment and don't feel like you are being listened to @Jas_99 :(

It does sound like a very frustrating position for your Dr to have taken - especially as the appropriate treatment for T1 (or LADA) and T2 are very different - and part of 'focus on bringing my levels down' is by accessing appropriate treatment.

You cannot control T1 with diet alone. T1 is absolute insulin insufficiency and you can't low-carb it into submission without also taking some insulin. And if you have some functional beta cells remaining then pushing them harder with gliclazide is possibly not the optimal approach?

One of the tricky things about T1 developing later is that you can still have some beta cells remaining - so glic may have some effect. But if your diabetes does end up being autoimmune in nature, then over the coming weeks and months ongoing beta cell loss may mean oral meds stop working.

Hope you get some clarity soon 🙂
Hi. You have my sympathy. My nephew was diagnosed as T1 at age 22 out of the blue. He had collapsed with DKA. My first diabetes GP listed me as T2 despite being stick thin and having lost weight unexpectedly. My second diabetes GP refused to accept I was T1 and told me to have a healthy balanced diet despite having kept my carbs way down and refused insulin. Both these GPs showed little understanding of diabetes. I was finally put onto insulin by two excellent DNs. I asked to be referred to the clinic for GAD and C-Peptide tests which the nurse willingly did. Even then I had some blocks from the clinic and had to complain. Eventually I saw the consultant there who gave me a C-Peptide as well GAD and has treated me as a LADA since then. So, insist on being referred to the diabetes clinic and if you can afford it have the tests done privately. Don't assume the GPs fully understand diabetes.
Hi all,
Having a down day after an appointment with a dr today. I am recently diagnosed with Type 2 I am 23 with no risk factors and have been started on Gliclazide. My HBA1C was 105 and after taking Gliclazide (40mg twice a day) for 4 weeks my blood glucose is still averaging between 9&16. This is a slight improvement to what they were but barely, so I went to the doctors to ask them for a referral to a specialist to rule out LADA (after advice from the lady at the Desmond diabetes training) and the doctor turned round and basically told me to stop researching and being so fixated on what type I have and instead focus on bringing my levels down by changing my diet. I have a HBA1C retest in 3 weeks but I wanted to have a C-Peptide and GAD done to make sure they’re treating the right type. I feel so dismissed and defeated :(
Hi guys,
Little update I found a dr who did listen!!!! I’ve been referred to an endocrinologist and have an initial appointment with a diabetic nurse on the 18th April. The dr sent me for a full blood count and couldn’t believe how much the other health care professionals had dismissed me, said she’d be surprised if it was type 2 with such a high A1C! Just gotta wait to see what the specialists say now
11 after an evening of rollercoastering, I thought I had it under control.

Nevermind, onwards in this sunny Tuesday.

Princess Anne is coming to our state to unveil a statue of WWI soldier, may wander there with the children.

Enjoy your day everyone.
11 after an evening of rollercoastering, I thought I had it under control.

Nevermind, onwards in this sunny Tuesday.

Princess Anne is coming to our state to unveil a statue of WWI soldier, may wander there with the children.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Carlos! Wake up, you’ve done it again!
Hi guys,
Little update I found a dr who did listen!!!! I’ve been referred to an endocrinologist and have an initial appointment with a diabetic nurse on the 18th April. The dr sent me for a full blood count and couldn’t believe how much the other health care professionals had dismissed me, said she’d be surprised if it was type 2 with such a high A1C! Just gotta wait to see what the specialists say now
So relieved that you have found a doctor who is taking appropriate action for you. Hope you get some good support at the clinic. Let us know how it goes and keep an eye on your urine for ketones in the mean time.
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