My doctor is a muppet

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I just had a phone call from my doctors surgery

"Hi, you've requested these new test strips, and you've asked for 250 p/m...we only usually prescribe 50 a month so the doctor has asked me to ring you"

😱 <------------ my face

my answer: I'm type 1, 50 test strips would probably last me a week. I get through at least 200 strips a month at the moment

What came after that then?

50p/m?! You've got to be kidding? I'm like you, I probably get through that a week!

I was just like "The doctor knows I'm type 1, and he knows who I am so just go and tell him he's being a muppet"
her: but they're very expensive
me: I don't care how expensive they are, i need them so please prescribe them for me.

She then asked why I want the optium b-ketone strips when I already had ketostix on the script and I was like "I hate the peesticks, they're rubbish which is why I've asked for you to take them off"

and then she was going on about these lancets and what guage they are and that she didn't know if they were the multicoloured ones or not, and I was like "I got it off the website with the code for the multicolured lancets so er...yeah"


I can't believe they tried to fob me off with 50 a month. How am I supposed to log my sugars with that? I know they don't deal with many type 1's in my surgery (I think I'm one of two people), but COME ON!
I had the same with my docs, despite requesting more, i still only got one box per time.
i wrote a note;
Please may i have more then one box of strips as 1 box = 50 strips. as i can test up to 5 times per day, each box only lasts 10 days. Thanks in advance.

needless to say, it worked.
You know, I find this so strange, because I don't do my prescriptions 'per month', I just call them in when I need them, so I've never had any problems with getting strips. I have 200 a go on my repeat at the moment. But seriously, that's like when my Endo told me that I could probably manage on 2 tests a day!
Would'nt it be magic if we could actually get what we wanted for once off our doctor instead of them chopping and changing things, it maddens me that we get diagnosed diabetes then we are prevented from having what we want to try and live with D.Id ring back and say look mr muppet i asked for 250 not 50 i dont think you would be to happy if you went into a restaurent and ordered fish and chips and they came out with crab and mash potato.
I know right, I think I'll ring them back in a bit, a bit calmer (I was quite shocked at what she said and probably quite rude but nevermind). If all else fails, I'll speak to the doctor myself. I mean, he knows who i am for crying out loud - I'm the one with the nueropathy afterall. Jesus.

Surely they can see from the strips I have on there at the moment that I already get 200 strips a month??

dyu know, I'm going to start taking scripts in as and when I need them cuz its getting beyond a joke now.
That is shoking salmon, had the same problem with them,

I get 200 a month test 8-10 times a day, u have got to account for before driving exercise and illness to, so it could be 250 a month for me, u doctor is a pleb like mine lol
Love the analogy, Steff!

Sam, do you happen to have the PIP code for the coloured lancets? My DSN is due to call today, and I want to ask for them 🙂

i get them were would it be on the box if it is?
*headdesk* receptionist was rude on the phone just now "You shouldn't be getting through that many a month"

I will march myself down there in a minute and give them what for
I think that the blood ketone strips are a lot dearer than the urine strips - and are not very common.

I was told that the urine strips show what your ketones were several hours ago, whereas the blood ketone strips give you a what it is now level - so are far more useful in telling you if you are developing a problem. I assume that you would only use these if your BMs are over 17 ?

The above may help in an argument to get them
*headdesk* receptionist was rude on the phone just now "You shouldn't be getting through that many a month"

I will march myself down there in a minute and give them what for

Yup i have getting that once from my lot they used to be lloyds they then changed to boots back in december, but the guy at the chemist said im sorry we cant prescribe you with 2 pots of 50 in the same month you should only be testing 2 times a day.Good job my son was with me or the air would of been blue.
I think that the blood ketone strips are a lot dearer than the urine strips - and are not very common.

I was told that the urine strips show what your ketones were several hours ago, whereas the blood ketone strips give you a what it is now level - so are far more useful in telling you if you are developing a problem. I assume that you would only use these if your BMs are over 17 ?

The above may help in an argument to get them

oh i've got no problems in getting them, it was just the argument that the secretery was trying to give me. She tried the more expensive argument until i said i'd been prescribed them before.
ok now i am seriously ANGRY! They've just phoned me and said the doctor wants to see me next week about it. I am seriously, SERIOUSLY angry and I'm not sure what to do about it.
Ring back and ask for him to call you and discuss why this is an issue, as it will surely be more efficient of practice time for him to call you than for you to use up appointment time going to see him.

I did ring them and ask that: her answer: "he wants to see you" and hung up the phone.

So I rang my DSN :D
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