My Dad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Folks,

It's with great sadness that I write this post. I owe you an explaination as to why I haven't been on here the past few days. I think I may have mentioned that I have been having some dramas at home the past few days, this is what's happened.

On Thursday the eight of this month I found out that I have lost my Father. It's been a down right God awful few days. What's keeping me going is the thoughts that it is what he'd want me to do but more to look after my Mother and sisters. I've been left one hell of a pair of shoes to fill and I intend to do the best I can.

The best thing that I can say about him is that he was the best Dad I could have ever had. He was the most loving Father and husband to my Mum.

What I would be very appreciative from you wonderful people is that you give me time and space to try and rebuild the world that has come crashing down around me over the past few says.

Rest In Peace Dad, you'll always be in my thoughts.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss Tom, My thoughts are with you & your family xxx
O Tom, you do what you need to do hun, so sorry for your loss....we will all be here when you are ready. I'm sure you will do your dad proud...lots of love and hugs xxxxxx
Tom you are a fine young man Im sure your dad was very proud of you xx I am so sorry xx It has brought tears to my eyes xx bless you and your family and we will be here when you need us xxx biggest hug i can send xxxx
Tom. God bless - my thoughts with and your family at this sad time

We will speak when you are ready.

Kind regards
Really sorry to hear that, Tom. My thoughts are with you at this sad time. I know you will do the best you can. Take care.

Thank you everyone for your kind wishes. I'd like to add that I would be very grateful if this were to stay on these boards. I don't want my friends and family seeing this on my Facebook. I need to speak to my friends over the next few days and I wouldn't be able to stand it if they were to find out about what has happened over Facebook.

Many thanks,

I am so sorry for your loss. I was thinking about you today and wondering where you were. What an awful time for you all. I am not quite sure what to say. Words seem futile. If you need anyone to talk to - you have my number and you can always pm me. I do realise you have family and lots of support around you - but if you ever feel like talking to a third party I would be only too happy to listen. You are a wonderful young man and I know you will do the best for your mum and sisters. Your dad will be proud of you Tom. All my love. Bev xxx
Oh Tom....I really am so sorry to hear this. Again, I second what many people have said in that you're a brilliant guy, and your dad would be very, very proud of you. And if you do ever need to talk, you have my number, and I'm always here xxx
I am sorry for your loss Tom my thoughts are with you and your Family at this time.
tom, i'm so sorry. massive hugs from me and my condolances to your family. i'm sure your dad was, and still is, very proud of you. you know where i am if you need an ear xxxxx
Oh, Tom, I am very sorry to hear your sad news. Jonny and I send you our love at this difficult time and we're sure you'll be a wonderful support to your mother and sisters.

hi tom i am really sorry that you are having this bad news so young i send you all my bst wishes xxx
Hi Tom,

So so sorry to read this. My deepest sympathies.

We missed you today too. Thinking of you and look forward to your return on here when you feel ready.

Lots of love
Louisa xx
Tom so sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm sure he would be proud of the way you are thinking of your mum and sisters. I lost my brother when I was at university. I can't tell you thinks are not going to be tough, but you will get through it. Try and remember to look after yourself.
Thinking if you and your family
My deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your Dad.

I am sure he is very proud of you, try to think on the good times and take care of yourself.
My deepest sympathy and best wishes to all tom i am so very sorry for your loss xx

Sorry to hear your news, my deepest sympathy and best wishes go to you and your family.

I'm sure you will fill your Dad's shoes and be a rock for your mum and sisters.

Take care of yourself,

Tom ..

Me and Nathan would like to send you and your family our deepest sympathies and our love . Our thoughts are with you all .

You are a fine young gentleman . and your dad very proud of you .

You know where I am at should you need me.

Take care

Heidi and Nathan
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