My blood pressure is dreadful!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just been to the doctor to see about various things. She checked my feet, which were fine, and also is arranging an HbA1c for me as I haven't had one done for 6 months. She also increased my test strips to 300 per prescription so it fits in better with when I need to get my other meds. However, she tested my BP and it was through the roof - 165/110😱 She's increased my BP meds from what she described as 'an almost homeopathic dose' and I've got to go back in a week or so to see if that's improved things. Just when I thought everything was going OK!
😱 That is high. I wonder why? You lead a pretty active, healthy lifestyle too, it's just not fair. I don't know what to suggest either, it's not a problem I share since mine's always really low.
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The doctor didn't understand it - she took it three times with two different pieces of equipment (manual and electronic). The first one was even higher - 185/110😱 Hopefully the doubling of med dose will improve it - thankfully I don't get side effects from them.
Crikey Alan that is high! Hopefully the increased dose will work for you tho.
hope the increased dose helps u out northey and lowers your BP.
That is a bit strange. I thought you might have had white coat syndrome (scared of tests) but three readings...

I'll bring my BP meter with me on Saturday if you like.
That is a bit strange. I thought you might have had white coat syndrome (scared of tests) but three readings...

I'll bring my BP meter with me on Saturday if you like.

I've got one of those Tez and I took a reading before I went to the doctors so I could have some comparison of how near it was - it was nowhere near!
Just been to the doctor to see about various things. She checked my feet, which were fine, and also is arranging an HbA1c for me as I haven't had one done for 6 months. She also increased my test strips to 300 per prescription so it fits in better with when I need to get my other meds. However, she tested my BP and it was through the roof - 165/110😱 She's increased my BP meds from what she described as 'an almost homeopathic dose' and I've got to go back in a week or so to see if that's improved things. Just when I thought everything was going OK!

It could just be a blip, the only time I had high blood pressure was when I was in hospital after having my daughter(I was in for 2 weeks) it was Just over 200!!!!! Do you drink alcohol? because that increases blood pressure, my dad takes Ramipril for his bp. Sheena
could be a BP spike? A lady i worked with at the archaeology unit suffered awfully from BP spikes!
Hi Northey,
I was a bit shocked when I saw this thread and realised it was you writing it! I would never have thought you would have high blood pressure. You keep very fit and eat a good healthy diet - so cant understand how this can be? I know it was taken 3 times, but do you think it could have been 'white coat syndrome'? Do you have a monitor at home you could use? I know they arent as accurate as the one at the GP's - but it would give you an idea of whether your running high generally or whether it was a one-off? Try not to worry yourself too much as this will add on to the stress. I hope the new meds help to bring it down and that you arent too worried.🙂Bev x
It could just be a blip, the only time I had high blood pressure was when I was in hospital after having my daughter(I was in for 2 weeks) it was Just over 200!!!!! Do you drink alcohol? because that increases blood pressure, my dad takes Ramipril for his bp. Sheena

Yes, I did explain before she tested that I had been boozing last night, but she didn't think that that explained it. I'm going to try and be good, at least until I go to get it tested again!
Hi Northerner,
It could be a 'blip' or white coat syndrome, but you should see the benefits of the increased anti hypertensive very soon.
I have had my BP at that level on a couple of significant occasions - the day I went to see the doc with Diabetes symptoms in 2005 and again 6 weeks ago when I saw the DSN to start insulin. I'm on 5mg Ramapril, and every time I was checked until the most recent time it was back to 130/80, max. Haven't had it rechecked yet since the DSN took it, she was sure it was cos I had to rush over to her that day - I'm not so sure, to be honest. I see her on the 19th and we'll see how it is then.
Hope it settles for you, its gives you quite a start, doesnt it😱
Hi Northener ..

OMG ... that is high hun ... as others have said I would'nt have expected yourself to have BP of that .. considering how active and healthy you are .. Have you been experiencing bad headaches ?? ..

My doctor takes three readings and usually each one is higher than the last. Eventually she sent me to have a 24hr reading.
If you've got your own BP monitor do a few readings and record the levels, if they're not elevated then take your monitor to the docs and check your machine against the doctor' machine. It could help to distinguish between real hypertension and the white coat variety.
That is a bit strange. I thought you might have had white coat syndrome (scared of tests) but three readings...

I'll bring my BP meter with me on Saturday if you like.

I get this (white coat syndrome that is), always high when tested even though seeing the doc does not stress me out or anything.

even had 24hr reading done which was normal, have my own machine and is always ok when i test it.

Hope you are ok Northe and if you need the meds they sort you out soon.
I think Northerner was listening to Kate Bush on his MP3 player on the way to the doctors, which sent his BP up.

She makes my BP rise. Little minx...:D

Seriously, hope you're OK Northerner. Let's hope it's a blip.
Hi Northerner,

Like everyone else here, seems very odd. Probably wouldn't make it spike quite as much as that but does the nurse start talking to you when she takes yours? This will increase the reading. The last night's booze will do the same if still in your system.
Just a thought. I know you run a bit, but i'd be careful not to run with b/p at that level. I'm sure you've thought of that and i hope you don't mind me saying; only thinking of you and as you know i like to run, so it's the first thing i thought of.
Hope doc gets it sorted out pdq.
Thanks everyone. I'm pretty sure I can get it down to normal levels again. The thing that gets me about high BP is that you're not even aware you've got it. I wouldn't even have known about it if I hadn't gone to the doctor's with a few questions about my prescription and to arrange an HbA1c. I wonder if lack of sleep has an effect? I haven't been sleeping well for quite some time.
So sorry to hear about problems with your BP Northerner :( I hope that you feel better very soon and get it sorted out.....I wish I could offer you some really good advice, like you do for me...Sorry!...I can only offer sympathy and tell you that I am sending virtual hugs your way 🙂

Oh, and I hope you can get a good nights sleep, sleep troubles are just a nightmare!....Well, a nightmare but not as in 'Sleep' nightmare! >..<

Be thinking of you!...Ellowyne x
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