Mouth Ulcers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The lurgy I had at the end of last week is starting to clear although I still feel rather drained. The worse problem is that I woke up on Saturday with a mouthful of mouth ulcers (pun not intended). Whilst I have had a couple in the past I have never had so many - left, right, top, bottom, everywhere. It is making eating and drinking extremely difficult. Normal painkillers have no effect. Rinstead pastilles advised by the chemist again do nothing. About the only thing that relieves things is ice cream that is just melting or a chilled plain yogurt. Apart from two cups of luke warm coffee all I have drunk today is plain water. All suggestions to relieve the discomfort welcome.
Have you tried a salt water wash - made with boiled water that you allow to cool ?

You could try sucking on cloves too, or try something like bonjella.

I think maybe you should check in with your GP and see if there is anything they can suggest to reduce the length of time you have the blisters - maybe some form of mouth-wash.

Hope you start feeling better soon
Try 'dequacaine' lozengers from the chemist -tesco's own make are cheaper and you can get them sugar free in some places. The are an antiseptic and they deaden and numb your mouth - so you have one 20 minutes before eating and it helps you to eat. I think you are limited to how many you can have in one day.🙂Hope you feel better soon.🙂Bev
Have you tried Bonjela link below or a mouthwash I had used bonjela and the last one I had I used a mouthwash and both worked.Hope you find something to clear them up.
Hi Falcon,
Think maybe you should go to your GP as you may have Thrush, which is quite common in Diabetics. Good luck with it anyway, take care, shirl x
Another good one is Anbesol - you can buy it in a small bottle, you dab it onto the ulcer and it numbs it. I find it really good. I always end up getting it on the end of my tongue though and end up with a numb tongue too!
I don't get them often thank heavens, but when I do I also use Dequacaine. They're a really good analgaesic I use for sore throats as well.
Hope you feel better soon. If you are no better see the doctor as oral thrush is quite common after a virus, in the mean time try live natural yoghurt.
Got an emergency appointment with the GP today (should really have gone two days ago). In addition to still felling somewhat run down the ulcers were getting worse. I had started wondering if I had "hand, Foot and Mouth Disease" but it appears that having been pulled down by the virus an infection got in somehow and has run riot. Eating was a nightmare as everything felt like glass splinters (and things like salt were agony), drinks has to be cold or tepid and brushing teeth had become near impossible. Anyway I have now been given "horse" sized antibioticcs and hopefully things will settle down in a few days.
Goodness! Hope the pills do the trick, sounds awful :( I've just noticed a little ulcer on my tongue after feeling very run down - hope I'm not heading the same way!.

I remember dequacaine tablets from when I was little! I think I had them for sore throats/tonsilitis.
Got an emergency appointment with the GP today (should really have gone two days ago). In addition to still felling somewhat run down the ulcers were getting worse. I had started wondering if I had "hand, Foot and Mouth Disease" but it appears that having been pulled down by the virus an infection got in somehow and has run riot. Eating was a nightmare as everything felt like glass splinters (and things like salt were agony), drinks has to be cold or tepid and brushing teeth had become near impossible. Anyway I have now been given "horse" sized antibioticcs and hopefully things will settle down in a few days.

Very briefly off topic - I watched "Victorian Pharmacy" on BBC2 last night - they demonstrated giving a real horse really huge balls of medicine - about size of ping pong balls! Actually, programme, which covers medicine & dentistry as well as pharmacy and herbs, is an all round good reminder of advantages of living in these times.
Glad you have seen a docotor and hope you are feeling better soon. The horse sized antibitoics should clear things up nicely for you.
hope the anti bios sort it out for you falcon ...last month i had a rotten virus type thingy that i ended up having 2 courses of anti bios for as it caused an abscess on my front tooth ..tis better now But the tooth is now loose and so i think im going to loose it aswell :( it was apartently due to the virus ...nasty nasty ....
Well they took a couple of days to start taking effect. The feverish periods went and the soreness started reducing. At the moment I still have one ulcer on the gum line next to a crown. Slightly worried about it in case it compromises the tooth.

Does anyone remember the purple stuff they used to put on your ulcers at school?
Well you can buy a big bottle for less than a pound from the chemist - I think it is called Gentian Violet - it is excellent for ulcers.

Strangely - I have just had an awful stomach virus and have been left with lips full of painful cold sores - I very rarely get these. They are going but there seems to be one fresh one for each one that goes.

Could this be due to Diabetes?

Hope you are all clear soon Falcon.
Hi Lucy, I doubt the diabetes directly played a part - more likely just the virus. Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus that you often pick up in childhood from contact with a carrier - maybe your old gran's sloppy kiss 😱 It lies dormant in nerve roots until it gets activated by being run down, stressed or unwell (which I suppose might be due to diabetes!).
UV light can also play a part in reactivating herpes virus - eg lips exposed to sun.
Now that explains it - was lying on a beach all last week and when coming off the beach my tummy bug started then got the sores - no one else in the family got it - i am not sure if bug was from swimming in the sea though. I did swallow a fair bit of devonshire sea!
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