Morning sugar level

Morning everyone, waking up sugar 18 x
That is high, Is it usually that high or could it have been a rogue strip or something on your fingers. Could be an indication of being unwell if not usual.
If in doubt re test to check and keep an eye on it.
@Saff are you aware that CGMs are designed to be most accurate at "normal" levels.
I tend to find they are less reliable when in double figures. Your morning reading may not be as high as 15 or 18. So, if you have a finger prick meter, it may be worthwhile double checking.
How are you managing your condition as morning readings of double figures are pretty high as the norm.
I’m taking Metformin and foreign x
What about diet as even with those medications diet is important. Many people find that by testing or if you have a Libre noting your before eating and 2 hour post meal levels so you can see if your meals result in more than a 2-3mmol/l increase. If so your meal is too carb heavy for you to tolerate.
This was before breakfast, I had tea n cornflakes for breakfast, when I next checked a couple hours later it had gone down to 16 x
This was before breakfast, I had tea n cornflakes for breakfast, when I next checked a couple hours later it had gone down to 16 x
How long have you been diagnosed and what was your HbA1C as with those very high waking levels I suspect it was quite high.
If it is early days for you then bringing your levels down gradually will be kinder on your eyes and nerves but being at that high level for any length of time will be putting you at risk of complications. So anything you can be doing with your diet to bring those overall levels down the better.
I'm afraid a high carb breakfast which cereals are will be doing you no favours. Many find that something like full fat Greek yoghurt with some berries or eggs in any form are a good low carb breakfast.
Do you have a means of testing for ketones as with levels that high that could be a possibility.
What are your blood glucose levels like the rest of the day and after your other meals.
Hi I’ve been diagnosed type 2 for 5 years, I will try that for breakfast, tbh I suffer from depression n don’t really look after myself, I do go out 4 times a day with my dog but struggle walking x
Yes I do test keystones , I think highest was 1.5, I did go hospital, after all tests they sent me home x
Hi I’ve been diagnosed type 2 for 5 years, I will try that for breakfast, tbh I suffer from depression n don’t really look after myself, I do go out 4 times a day with my dog but struggle walking x
You will probably find getting your blood glucose level down will help as high blood glucose affects every cell in the body including the brain.
my blood level has gone down from last year, it was 140 last year now it’s 79 x
my blood level has gone down from last year, it was 140 last year now it’s 79 x
That is definitely a lot better but still high.
What sort of meals do you have.
Has any additional medication been considered if there is nothing more that you can do with dietary changes but I suspect there might be if you are having cornflakes.
I went docs for an appointment other day, I checked n it was 27, I told doc she never said anything x
I went docs for an appointment other day, I checked n it was 27, I told doc she never said anything x
I am surprised she did not send you to A & E with a levels that high, I think you need to press for more support from your diabetic nurse of GP.
Meanwhile have a look at this link for some ideas on how to improve your diet.
Diabetes clinic discharged me said because I’m not taking anything lower my sugar x