Thanks for your detailed reply 🙂Your numbers look good, nice and flat (aside from the overnight high you're trying to fix), mine aren't generally that flat! 🙂
What are you eating for your evening meal? Also are you eating anything else (even without carbs) during the evening (even protein and fat will be partially converted to glucose in the absence of carbs)?
It looks like the rise starts as your supper-time bolus is wearing off. It could be that your supper is taking longer to absorb or your insulin sensitivity is different at this time of day. I'd be tempted to take a unit of Novorapid at bedtime and see what that does to the overnight levels (may need more than one unit.) and at the same time reduce basal.
Obviously there are concerns about taking bolus insulin before going to bed, so something to discuss with your healthcare team, but if it were me and I could see I didn't have any bolus on board, I would happily experiment with a dose of bolus that wouldn't make me go hypo to see what effect it has. I regularly take 1 or 2U of Novorapid before bed if my blood sugar is trending up.
The alternative is to eat something in the morning, which I realise you don't want to do, but even something small without any bolus cover would bump you up enough to avoid the low - e.g. an apple or small bowl of cereal, etc.
Ironically the last two nights ive been hovering around 12-13 and then a little higher with waking and yesterday hovering in 10 most of the day even with insulin rising back up again. Back under control day time wise thankfully.
With regards to evening meals most of the time I have a protein E.g Chicken, Fish with some veg carrot,peas swede etc a few time a week I have potatoes with evening meal as well. Try to limit a bit due high carbs and spiking but not cut it out. Sometimes have a chocolate bar as well afterwards around 20-25g at the most
In regards to taking extra bolus I'm not against doing that the annoying thing is just before i go sleep levels look steady and good then the meteoric rise kicks in. My general correction factor is around 3 we think at the moment. One thing I will mention is I don't sleep well and wake up alot in the night. Normally get back to sleep but wake up again. When I go to sleep the Novarapid is normally still active with about 1hr/1hr30 left at most based on 4hr active time
With regards to the morning from what I understand levels should stay steady without eating even if high and not gradually fall over an hour or two after waking correct me If I'm wrong then doing the intervention. Which in my head implies too much basal but at night appears not. Maybe I do just need to eat in the morning but levels shouldn't fall like that without some sort of intervention e.g bolus. Too much could be being released at once in the morning also has been floated as well.
Previously was taking 32 units a day for a few months which worked well for overnight and which kept rises contained mostly. Could be good old honeymoon period winding down as its been seven months since DKA/Diagnosis but I know this can vary or course had a cpeptide done recently hopefully give an rough idea of what production is left
Apologies for the very long reply all abit of a mystery trying to find the right solution which is also interesting at the same time.
Ill fetch some more recent graphs and show below
A good night on this graph but still the morning fall in red and then evening can see it trending off a little will put the following day below it this was a carb heavy meal in the evening a curry with rice
Following day did eat in the morning as levels were quite high at least for me normally with a correction mixed in
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