More paranoid now..

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Again thanks alot for all your comments seeing the pics too looks like you all had a good time and no one is sat with a lettuce leaf and a glass of water.. Id be happy cutting down on drink completley if i knew i could have nights out with my partner... That would do im just over reacting i suppose i also weighed myself after my bath and im just over 17st now i used to be 19 1/2 getting on for 20st but then i think i have been going the gym and eatting better and drinking less.. Cos daft man here thinks the weight loss is a terminal illness.. Admitted i have not been the gym in 3 weeks as i have a busy tour but on saying that as i do a Blues Brothers act im dancing about 45 mins a day and you could ring my shirts out after each show. And with eating and drinking better im hoping thats why im loosing weight,,,

All the best to everyone

I'm sure that's the cause of your weight loss Mark - well done! And dancing is an excellent form of exercise, so you will be really doing yourself a lot of good with that! 🙂
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