Mood swings

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The other side

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My husband has type I since childhood, he's in his early forties now. We have been together for 6 years and have a gorgeous two year old. Increasingly, my partner's mood swings are more noticeable. Particularly when his sugar is a bit high (between 9 and 15) he can become rude and with a short temper. He will not see that there is a problem or that it is the sugar affecting him. He keeps saying that it is not high sugar for a diabetic to have those levels. He is completely unaware of how unlikeable he becomes then, and we always end up arguing. It's very sad and frustrating. I would be grateful for your thoughts. Thank you.
At the risk of sounding horrid and ignorant I admit I call that being 'diabetic daft.' My friend's hubby used to start acting up and she knew it was his levels. :( My sister's made some right stupid decisions when her levels have been out of control. You have to keep a tight rein on it imho. I'm daft anyway so I'll have to be really careful. 😱 Is it just his D because if you have high blood pressure that can affect you too and make you nasty. That's me with Mum, I can feel myself getting short-tempered. :(
That's interesting because he also has high blood pressure but he's on medication for it. Thank you for the comment 🙂
My son is like this and is T1 with his girlfriend. Moody, aggressive to boot not sure on the blood pressure if it's high for him but I don't think so.
9-15 is high for T1 and he does need to bring them down. What does his GP say do you go to the appointments with him or does he go alone.
Also when he's being an arse walk away and do not engage unless he speaks civilly to you.

Also welcome to the forum.
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