Missed Levemir

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys

Type 1 for about 18 months now. On novorapid bolus and levemir basal twice a day (10am & 10pm).

Had a super busy weekend and crashed last night at about 8pm and slept right through until morning so forgot to take my 10pm. Woke up and bloods were understandably very high 16ish, took my normal dose this morning but bloods are still very high.

Anyway my question is that I believe Levemir to have a 24 hour action, so should i have double dosed this morning to take account of the missed dose last night, i.e is that why my bloods arent coming down? so at the moment i take 12 units in morning 10 at night, should i have taken 22 this morning? Should i take another load of Levemir now (10units) to bring it back up.

Many Thanks

No! Definitely not!
Any extra Levemir you take will last for up to 24 hours, so you will probably go hypo tonight or tomorrow, when your next dose overlaps, if you do that.! If you want to correct, use your short acting.
Do you know how to correct using short acting, if not, can you phone your DSN or other health care practitioner, to work out safe levels of novorapid to bring your levels down to where you want?
Phew, having calmed down...welcome to the forum, Chris!
Ok, makes sense now actually, i have just given a correction will keep an eye on. Good job i didn't double dose, got football tonight could been a disaster mid night hypo.

Thanks for your help Robin, what an entrance!
Hi Cevans Welcome. So glad you didn't double the dose.
Welcome to the forum, Chris / Cevans23.
Another good place to seek advice is the patient information leaflet that comes with each pack of medication. There's always a section about "what to do if you miss a dose". However, you will usually get an answer from a forum member within an hour, if not the few minutes until Robin replied.
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