Milk addiction?

Have you been 'addicted' to milk

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 1 3.8%

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Blimey every day is a school day ehy!

Wouldn't say I was addicted to anything 😉

Used to drink a fair amount (I thought) of milk a pint or so but haven't had a glass for ages, just in tea and porridge these days. Interesting about cheese cheers Peter!
Milk is addictive because its main component, casein, breaks down with digestion into an opiate called casomorphine. Stimulates the pleasure centres of the brain. Cheese is addictive for the same reason and so is milk chocolate.

I'm not the diabetic in our family, but I thought I'd answer anyway. I don't drink milk as a drink very often. Once in a blue moon in winter I might have a hot milk and honey or a hot ovaltine (ooooh, milk and chocolate!!). I only have milk on my muesli nowadays. As a child I used to get up in the middle of the night though and drink milk straight out of the carton.

My diabetic daughter is addicted to cheese. Maybe that's the case because she is a very fussy eater and she knows that cheese is free for a snack.
I actually thought along similar lines. A couple of years earlier my right femur snapped during a marathon and I thought that the desire for milk was my body's way of letting me know I needed more calcium to build stronger bones.

Me too! There's a history of osteo-arthritis in my family and I was aware that women of a certain age are prone to a loss of calcium in their bones, so I put my craving down to that.

Thanks for that little titbit Peter, I didn't know that before.
I drank a pint of milk every day with my lunch, as my mother encouraged us to drink milk as children, this stayed with me until I was diagnosed with diabetes aged 20. I just loved the taste, especially when drank ice-cold from the fridge. Could I ask why you are curious about peoples milk intake prior to diabetes, is their some correlation between drinking milk and diabetes, or this just as you say 'curiosity'? Toby.
I just noticed on another thread a few folk mentioning how much milk they drank and got interested because I thought it was just me and there did seem to be a link, at least superficially. I mean, I've always loved the stuff, but it was only in the few months before I was diagnosed that I began drinking around 2 litres per day. Just call me the Elephant's Child.:D
I drank a pint of milk every day with my lunch, as my mother encouraged us to drink milk as children, this stayed with me until I was diagnosed with diabetes aged 20. I just loved the taste, especially when drank ice-cold from the fridge. Could I ask why you are curious about peoples milk intake prior to diabetes, is their some correlation between drinking milk and diabetes, or this just as you say 'curiosity'? Toby.

It stemmed from another thread Toby, where people discovered they weren't alone in glugging milk by the gallon prior to diagnosis 🙂
I have loved milk since I took it in a bottle as a baby lol... In my 20's up to when I was diagnosed I could get through a 2L carton of milk easily.. since diagnosis I find I don't tolerate it as much now.. I did slow down drinking full fat milk and went down to skimmed as I found too much milk set my excema off.. I don't like skimmed milk anymore as after drinking a glass or having it on cereal it left a horrible after taste so I have gone back to either semi skimmed or Moo 1% milk. before diagnosis I would drink anything I could lay my hands on...
Thanks for the explanation Alison/Northerner. Is this thread still available, as I would like to view it if possible. Over the years I have gone through my mind what possible factor could have led to my diabetes, as no one in my family had ever had the condition, at least not to my knowledge anyway. I do remember about 10-15 years ago there was a article suggesting that cows milk could be a possible cause of the increase in diabetes, but like many such stories, it was soon dismissed and forgotten about in time. Toby.
Thanks for the explanation Alison/Northerner. Is this thread still available, as I would like to view it if possible. Over the years I have gone through my mind what possible factor could have led to my diabetes, as no one in my family had ever had the condition, at least not to my knowledge anyway. I do remember about 10-15 years ago there was a article suggesting that cows milk could be a possible cause of the increase in diabetes, but like many such stories, it was soon dismissed and forgotten about in time. Toby.

It cropped up in this discussion:
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