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Duane Charles

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just a quick question and apologies for yet another one:

As mentioned earlier my Metformin has been increased to 2 twice a day (2000mg total). Would it cause an issue if I took all 4 at once?
Thank you @Bruce Stephens I didn’t think to ask the DN when I saw them earlier. I only asked as I had an issue taking the evening tablet when it went to 2 a day. I’m currently taking both in the morning with breakfast.
I think slow release can be taken in one dose but if they are not probably more likely to cause stomach issues if they are taken in one dose and it would not be as recommended by the guidelines but check.
Any reason why you would want to take them all at once.

I see they are MR which means modified release so I think they would be OK taken in one go, have a look on the product leaflet in the box/packet
@Leadinglights I’m more likely to have breakfast than an evening meal with my current work pattern. Eating when I get home around 1am isn’t ideal
I see they are MR which means modified release so I think they would be OK taken in one go, have a look on the product leaflet in the box/packet
PIL, I usually take it and throw it away as soon as I open the box :(
I take 3 a day all at once and have always done so for years. I refuse take 4 as I have IBS.
This morning is my first day on 4 a day, so will give it a try and see what happens. @grovesy I take it that 3 doesn’t affect your IBS but 4 would?
This morning is my first day on 4 a day, so will give it a try and see what happens. @grovesy I take it that 3 doesn’t affect your IBS but 4 would?
I would not say they don't have any effect on my IBS but I once stopped for a while and did not make a difference. I have never tried 4 and am not prepared to. On reflection at one point I could have a differnt brand each time my prescription was renewed, but for a few years my prescription states a specific brand.
Yesterday, the DN I saw upped my Metformin from 2 a day to 4 a day. This morning I spoke to my surgery to ask if I could get a repeat as I calculated that I’d run out between Christmas and the New Year. I’ve just got a text message to tell me I can’t re-order until January 12th. It make me wonder if the IT systems are actually linked or even better do they talk to each other.
Send a text / sms / email or even a hand written note marked Urgent, for the attention of the Practice Manager or Duty Dr. Explain that the nurse has upped your script yesterday, you will now run out before the New Year never mind Jan 12th. Could the bureaucracy please be overturned by no later than Dec 28 and a repeat script be released. You don't want this medication for pleasure - just to improve what is already a stressful and frustrating existing medical condition! Ask for the Practice Manager or Duty Dr to acknowledge receipt and confirm when a script has been released - so you can collect as soon as possible afterwards.
Just phoned the surgery as the email I sent bounced back to me. I asked to speak to the Practice Manager and was told I have to go to the website and follow the links. I think the answer is that I’m going to have to wait until 28th when they open to follow this up or even get a reply. I’ll also try the pharmacy tomorrow morning and see if it’s been sent electronically.
Seriously disappointing, but deep down I'm not surprised; my perception is increasingly pessimistic about medical services in general and I had a very clever and wise Boss who used to gently remind us "Never mind the facts, Perception IS reality" . It feels so true.

Personally I would go to the website and follow the links, if only to establish that the website process does work and reveal how timely the website process actually is. Good luck.
Notwithstanding that all surgeries seem to be a law unto themselves:

The "normal" cycle to order repeat prescriptions in my experience is 21 days from the issue of the last one. So logically, if you've been told that you can't re-order until the 12th, that would imply that one was issued on the 22nd, ie today. So hopefully there is indeed one winging it's way to your pharmacy.

If not, I think I'd be inclined to carry on with two a day until you have the situation resolved. Better to be taking a reduced dose than run out & have none at all.
I have managed to send my concerns to the surgery, albeit longwindedly through their website. Hopefully they’re not yet in party mode and someone reads it today. I think part of the problem is when I spoke to one of the receptionists they told me the last script was for 112 and that was why I can’t order until 12th January, I have enough to last on 4 a day.

I have already taken my dose of 4 for today and will resume tomorrow on 2 as @RBZ5416 has suggested.
Again, going by a "standard" supply of 28 days, the 112 would fit with four per day. So fingers crossed.

Just for info going forward, there are 1g tablets that cut down on the number you need to take, but they are larger if you have any issues there.
When I sent an email to my surgery some time back, the system said not to expect a reply for 24 hours.
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