Metformin reaction

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with Type 2 last year and started Metformin in the spring. The type I took initially didn't agree with me - sickness, upset stomach, all pretty standard I think. I was swapped to a SR version and that seemed to agree with me much better, I started it about 4 weeks ago.

About 3 weeks ago I started flaring up with a skin rash on my arms - it spread to my legs, then to my torso, my face - basically everywhere. I saw my GP who was a bit unsure of what it could be so gave me oral steroids and emolient creams. It has been hell, I have been signed off work, can't wear clothing over my skin. It itches like hell and hurts so badly and just keeps spreading.

I was sat the other day there thinking "what has changed? What have I done differently" and then it occurred to me, I started this new version of metformin just before the rash started. I read the patient leaflet and it says a skin rash is a very rare side effect 1 in 10,000 patients. I have stopped taking the drug for now and am seeing my GP on Wednesday, but just wondered if anyone else has experienced similar and if stopping metformin sorted it out? And what alternative treatment options did you go for. I'm worried as my blood sugar is pretty high each day, but I can't go on like this.
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You sound to have had a really bad reaction. The metformin could be the culprit as that was the new thing.

I had an allergic reaction to some dressings which covered an operation site on my knee. The doctor prescribed fusidic acid /hydrocortisone cream, hyrdromol emollient and antihistimines. It took about 2 weeks to show improvement.
The oral steroids will tend to increase blood glucose but also the stress of the condition won't help.
You may need to be a bit more careful with your carb intake.
What is your HbA1C that has needed the metformin, dietary changes can be effective in many people without the meds.
This link may help with some ideas for reducing your carbs.
Welcome to the forum @Glitterball2000

Sorry to hear about the difficult time you have been having :(

If it does turn out to be that very rare 1:10,000 chance, I wonder how long it will be for you to notice any change from having stopped the tablets.

As I understand it, metformin sort of ‘soaks’ into the system over weeks to build up to the current dose - so I wonder if it will take time to gradually dissipate?
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