Meter Reading - confused and concerned - would really appreciate advice!!

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Yes, iron was low and an now taking a multivitamin with iron. Not sure b12 will check (is it covered in a standard blood test). Last two morning readings 5.6, and I checked in middle of night and was fine. I am so glad I got the meter... It is putting my mind at rest if nothing else. And thanks to all on this forum. I am learning so much v

Iron deficiency can cause an incorrect artificially high Hba1c reading, which can also be a reason you aren't measuring high spikes in the BG, and have only seen a maximum of 7 so far.
Interesting. Dr never mentioned that! Just wanted to sign me up for a course( which I think is always a good thing). Will be interesting to see what score is in February.
Interesting. Dr never mentioned that! Just wanted to sign me up for a course( which I think is always a good thing). Will be interesting to see what score is in February.

Any course is always good.
I found mine interesting, and also made some other good contacts throughout the NHS team that was there as well.
I'm realising that my diabetes like other things I have going on are not straightforward.
No one had told me it could be so effected by other things!

I hope my postings haven't misled anyone because I have other issues as well. I should be more consious of that when posting.
I'm realising that my diabetes like other things I have going on are not straightforward.
No one had told me it could be so effected by other things!

I hope my postings haven't misled anyone because I have other issues as well. I should be more consious of that when posting.

No problem at all.
I certainly knew nothing when I was diagnosed.

The flip side is we hope if we ask what seems personal, irrelevant seeming questions, of anyone, we hope we don't offend you.
Diabetes is never a one size fits all solution. 🙂
Interesting. Dr never mentioned that! Just wanted to sign me up for a course( which I think is always a good thing). Will be interesting to see what score is in February.

Diabetes courses are always good, healthy eating is worth doing anytime.

At your appointment, see if you can check your B12 as well, that can also cause anomalies with Hba1c.
Diabetes isn't always clear cut!
You are really lucky. The only help I’ve received has been from here, and I’m someone already thoroughly engaged with HCPs. The only referral I’ve had has been from my ITU consultant after an aside comment about being diagnosed during a long stay review. I’ve not even been referred for eye tests.

I know.
I was diagnosed, after a few false diagnosis.
I had a good session with my doctor.
We discussed BG over a few sessions.
Gave me a meter after I discussed lowering BG
She told me I was fat.
She referred me to several courses.

I networked from those courses.
On that I was referred to a NHS gym, and sport activities.

Prescribed a BG meter and strips, in conjunction with a weekly meeting with an NHS dietitian.

That was just the first few months........

18 months later.....

It was hard work.
Change takes a few years.

But I'm no longer diabetic, would I change that for a quick fix? .....
I have had none of that.

A standard appointment with a practice nurse where she simply told me there were online resources available, and the infamous eating guideline leaflet that I promptly put in the recycling for future wiping.

Nothing else.

I’ve had to push for help whilst in here, and the advice I’ve received has gone against that given here. I can’t push further, there’s a line that needs to be trodden to keep on the right side of HCPs when you’re stuck inside. No follow ups with either practice nurse or doctors, no referrals, no advice on BG or meters, and I’ve self funded everything.

I’m grateful, infinitely grateful for the help here, it’s all I’ve had. The last thing I want to see is other members alienating each other.
I have had none of that.

A standard appointment with a practice nurse where she simply told me there were online resources available, and the infamous eating guideline leaflet that I promptly put in the recycling for future wiping.

Nothing else.

I’ve had to push for help whilst in here, and the advice I’ve received has gone against that given here. I can’t push further, there’s a line that needs to be trodden to keep on the right side of HCPs when you’re stuck inside. No follow ups with either practice nurse or doctors, no referrals, no advice on BG or meters, and I’ve self funded everything.

I’m grateful, infinitely grateful for the help here, it’s all I’ve had. The last thing I want to see is other members alienating each other.

I can't say my HCP was appalling if they weren't though.
They were amazing.
I won't say they agreed with out a discussion, they were people like me.
No way were they perfect.
Neither was I.
I had a discussion, I laid out plans, they suggested alternatives, we agreed a middle ground.
I pushed, they pushed, eventually we pushed in the same direction, sort of.
We reversed my diabetes as a team.
Hiccups on the way.
I have had none of that.

A standard appointment with a practice nurse where she simply told me there were online resources available, and the infamous eating guideline leaflet that I promptly put in the recycling for future wiping.

Nothing else.

That's almost exactly the experience I've had. I wouldn't say the nurse was dismissive or antagonistic to me - she just wanted to put me straight on drugs, gave me the same leaflet (I think - she printed it from the internet in front of me; I've still got it around somewhere...). She was very reluctant to take my BG on the spot, even though I explained I'd already started to take steps to reduce my sugar & do more exercise from the day I got the "See me re: Glucose" letter, but at least my reading convinced her to not push for the drugs...

Since then, I've had a letter demanding I have an eye test (done, 2x eyes present and correct - one left, one right), then a letter demanding I have a foot test (done: ditto, only lower down), and since then: diddly-squat.

No follow ups with either practice nurse or doctors, no referrals, no advice on BG or meters, and I’ve self funded everything.

Ditto. In fact, the nurse said I wouldn't need a BG meter. Thank goodness this forum was here to put me straight, eating to the meter (as opposed to my previous regime of eating by the metre) is, for me, the best way for me to track what's going on with my diabetes. I reckon I must have spent over £250 on test strips since I bought it, 9 or so months ago.

I’m grateful, infinitely grateful for the help here, it’s all I’ve had. The last thing I want to see is other members alienating each other.

At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, ditto again.
Mine was printed off in front of me too, in fact your whole experience was so similar I checked your profile to see if you live near me
That's almost exactly the experience I've had. I wouldn't say the nurse was dismissive or antagonistic to me - she just wanted to put me straight on drugs, gave me the same leaflet (I think - she printed it from the internet in front of me; I've still got it around somewhere...). She was very reluctant to take my BG on the spot, even though I explained I'd already started to take steps to reduce my sugar & do more exercise from the day I got the "See me re: Glucose" letter, but at least my reading convinced her to not push for the drugs...

Since then, I've had a letter demanding I have an eye test (done, 2x eyes present and correct - one left, one right), then a letter demanding I have a foot test (done: ditto, only lower down), and since then: diddly-squat.

Ditto. In fact, the nurse said I wouldn't need a BG meter. Thank goodness this forum was here to put me straight, eating to the meter (as opposed to my previous regime of eating by the metre) is, for me, the best way for me to track what's going on with my diabetes. I reckon I must have spent over £250 on test strips since I bought it, 9 or so months ago.

At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, ditto again.

I was put straight onto Metformin, and shortly after Januvia was added.
I had no issue with taking medication to help reduce my BG.
I was also working with an NHS dietican to lose weight, it worked very well.

I still have the annual check ups.
I'm just not a big fan of taking drugs, that's all there is to it really. If my life absolutely depended on it, then of course I'd use it; I figured give diet and exercise a go first and - touch wood - it seems to be working just fine.
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