Metaformin again?

@42istheanswer I wasn't told in the surgery as the DN wanted to prescribe metaformin and thought the person prescribing took a different view. She spoke to him after the appointment phoned me and told me I was starting on metaformin. She said it would be available that afternoon. However I went the next day and he'd forgotten to write the prescription. I started one in evening with my evening meal then one in morning then two in evening. I began to feel tired in the evening when I went to 3. I saw someone had posted here with slow release you could take them all at once so I switched to two at breakfast and one in the evening. I will be increasing to four tomorrow. My prescription uses the word with so have taken after I have eaten something then had a few more mouthfuls but see that under instructions typed by pharmacy it says with or after food.
I'm not sure if I could take my fourth at lunchtime. A couple of times I've had a late breakfast and late lunch and taken the tablets with those meals when I knew I was going to skip supper.

I'm losing a kilo a week maximum and am happy with that. I was heading for 14 stone 89 kilos and needed to do something. I have lost a stone and a half and ideally should lose another two stone for top weight bmi. I did not know metaformin could affect my appetite though. I had cut out the naughty foods and eaten more mindfully so a loss is expected but continually skipping supper isn't in my plan. I didn't eat enough yesterday. Didn't have the sea trout just had some runner beans and an avocado in the evening. Had a late breakfast in a cafe of toasted teacake and butter and lunch was a salad with a small pear and 30 grams of blue cheese.

I'm hoping the sleepiness in the evening will dissipate. I had a proper supper night before.
I have a blood test at 9.10 and will have breakfast yoghurt and blueberries before then.
@42istheanswer I wasn't told in the surgery as the DN wanted to prescribe metaformin and thought the person prescribing took a different view. She spoke to him after the appointment phoned me and told me I was starting on metaformin. She said it would be available that afternoon. However I went the next day and he'd forgotten to write the prescription. I started one in evening with my evening meal then one in morning then two in evening. I began to feel tired in the evening when I went to 3. I saw someone had posted here with slow release you could take them all at once so I switched to two at breakfast and one in the evening. I will be increasing to four tomorrow. My prescription uses the word with so have taken after I have eaten something then had a few more mouthfuls but see that under instructions typed by pharmacy it says with or after food.
I'm not sure if I could take my fourth at lunchtime. A couple of times I've had a late breakfast and late lunch and taken the tablets with those meals when I knew I was going to skip supper.

I'm losing a kilo a week maximum and am happy with that. I was heading for 14 stone 89 kilos and needed to do something. I have lost a stone and a half and ideally should lose another two stone for top weight bmi. I did not know metaformin could affect my appetite though. I had cut out the naughty foods and eaten more mindfully so a loss is expected but continually skipping supper isn't in my plan. I didn't eat enough yesterday. Didn't have the sea trout just had some runner beans and an avocado in the evening. Had a late breakfast in a cafe of toasted teacake and butter and lunch was a salad with a small pear and 30 grams of blue cheese.

I'm hoping the sleepiness in the evening will dissipate. I had a proper supper night before.
I have a blood test at 9.10 and will have breakfast yoghurt and blueberries before then.
Don't forget if you are reducing your carbs which it looks as if you are then you need to have protein so no reason not to have the trout.
Metformin is not acting directly on food but works away in the background. Peoples (not mine) experience is it causes less stomach issues when taken mid meal with a substantial meal and if slow release then taking all at once is easier to remember and it then doesn't matter if you don't have any of the other meals.
Cutting carbs gradually is usually kinder on your body and less likely to cause issues with eyes and nerves and allows your body to adjust to a new way of eating.
I wasn't intending to cut quickly. The last ten days I have found it difficult to eat in the evening. I love sea trout and suspect it will be too old to use today. The avocado I ate was supposed to be with the trout. I've had blueberries chia and yoghurt today and two tablets. I'm seeing my sister later and will take a cauliflower cheese I bought and two frittatas. I will definitely eat this evening. My sister often gets busy and doesn't eat but she has always been like it and slim. Not wanting to eat is extremely strange for me. Of course it may be nothing to do with the metaformin.
Thanks for your advice.