Mental Health and Diabetes Study Survey

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Survey link

Dear Participants,
The Study of Mental Health and Diabetes;

We are asking you if you would help us with a study that aims is to investigate the impact of diabetes on the mental well-being of patients and the support offered. The study will focus on common mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, distress, and eating disorder among different age groups. This will be achieved by conducting a survey on type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. The survey consists of 4 sections and a total of 33 questions in the format of multiple-choice, short-answers, and a checkbox scale.

If you agree, we would ask you to fill the survey and be part of this study anonymously.

Survey link

This may take a few minutes of your time. You do not need to take part in this study, and you can leave it at any time without affecting your education/relationship with the Faculty or University in any way.

All information we gain from you will be maintained in a strictly confidential manner. The only people who will have access to the information will be myself Tara Alsharif and my supervisor Dr Reem Kayyali. After the project all raw data that can identify individuals will be destroyed. In the reporting of the project, no information will be released which will enable to reader to identify who the respondent was. If you have any questions or problems, please contact me. My email address is

Yours sincerely
[Tara Alsharif]

Contact details:

1. My email address
2. My supervisor’s contact details( )

This study has been approved by Mike @everydayupsanddowns
Thanks Tara 🙂
I was unsure how best to answer the Q's about my wanting to lose weight. I've had D for 50 years and a few times during those 5 years, I've put on weight by eating too much of all sorts of nice things made of highly processed carbohydrate and fat combined with lack of exercise. Hardly any surprise to get fat ! So I dislike my body. That's hardly a surprise either, nor is being concerned about what I eat every day for 2 weeks - often longer than that, cos you can't lose the weight you've put on over the last 10 years in a ruddy fortnight - it takes longer - BUT you have to try and avoid eg cake pretty much throughout (except very occasionally when it's really NICE cake!) if you want to be successful. None of my weight loss campaigns have ever caused my mental health to suffer - on the contrary cos when I succeed, I usually feel so much better about myself generally and when I look in the mirror!
I was unsure how best to answer the Q's about my wanting to lose weight. I've had D for 50 years and a few times during those 5 years, I've put on weight by eating too much of all sorts of nice things made of highly processed carbohydrate and fat combined with lack of exercise. Hardly any surprise to get fat ! So I dislike my body. That's hardly a surprise either, nor is being concerned about what I eat every day for 2 weeks - often longer than that, cos you can't lose the weight you've put on over the last 10 years in a ruddy fortnight - it takes longer - BUT you have to try and avoid eg cake pretty much throughout (except very occasionally when it's really NICE cake!) if you want to be successful. None of my weight loss campaigns have ever caused my mental health to suffer - on the contrary cos when I succeed, I usually feel so much better about myself generally and when I look in the mirror!
Thank you for sharing your point of view! @trophywench
Yes definitely always feel better about yourself!
This is the reason behind this survey, to see different experiences from people and if it has ever effected their mental health.
Done! I was a bit flummoxed by one question. Having answered 'No' to whether I'd ever been diagnosed with a mental health problem, and skipped the 'If yes, specify' question, which worked fine, the next question was 'Do you think this diagnosis was due to your diabetes' with no option to skip the question as irrelevant, or put, 'I don’t have a diagnosis'
Good luck with your project!
I think it's a bit 'chicken & egg' when a person has diabetes, to be honest. GP said to me one day when I happened to say that I was glad all the medical stuff for my diabetes was provided free of course but why was medication for everything else also free when it had nowt to do with diabetes? He replied, Ah - but there's no proof of that, is there? How do you know you wouldn't have got athletes foot, had you not already had diabetes?

So if you didn't have diabetes, would you ever have been depressed, anxious etc? Nobody knows.

I had a right downer last summer on the face of it about my diabetes, Libre was stupid, DSN was stupid, doctors had all done a disappearing trick, if they don't care (and they obviously don't) why should I care? Nobody loves me everybody hates me but no I shan't eat worms even so, cos I'm not going to fall into that trap however much everybody else seems to want me to. We managed to get away on holiday for a bit and had fantastic weather in Cornwall and I got over it. I should imagine that was caused more because of feeling a distinct lack of support from the NHS all in all, but particularly with my diabetes. This situation can probably be blamed on cumulative effects of lockdowns etc caused by Covid.

So - would you describe that episode as 'Diabetes Distress' or 'Lockdown Lurgy'?
Done! I was a bit flummoxed by one question. Having answered 'No' to whether I'd ever been diagnosed with a mental health problem, and skipped the 'If yes, specify' question, which worked fine, the next question was 'Do you think this diagnosis was due to your diabetes' with no option to skip the question as irrelevant, or put, 'I don’t have a diagnosis'
Good luck with your project!
Thank you for your feedback !
Will definitely amend this!
Right, just completed the survey and I have a few comments.

1. If someone has to fill in all 'required questions' then it is essential to indicate which questions are the required ones. I spent some time going back through the form because some 'not applicable' questions actually need responses! It would not let me through to page 2 and, worse, did not indicate which required questions I had missed.

2. Q14, 'As a diabetic patient..' this actual question is irrelevant to whether you are a diabetic patient or not. That part of the text could be safely removed.

3. Q20, 21, 32 all of these need 'not applicable' adding as possible responses.

Will we ever see any feedback or conclusions from your research? It often seems like a one way pipeline
Survey link

Dear Participants,
The Study of Mental Health and Diabetes;

We are asking you if you would help us with a study that aims is to investigate the impact of diabetes on the mental well-being of patients and the support offered. The study will focus on common mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, distress, and eating disorder among different age groups. This will be achieved by conducting a survey on type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. The survey consists of 4 sections and a total of 33 questions in the format of multiple-choice, short-answers, and a checkbox scale.

If you agree, we would ask you to fill the survey and be part of this study anonymously.

Survey link

This may take a few minutes of your time. You do not need to take part in this study, and you can leave it at any time without affecting your education/relationship with the Faculty or University in any way.

All information we gain from you will be maintained in a strictly confidential manner. The only people who will have access to the information will be myself Tara Alsharif and my supervisor Dr Reem Kayyali. After the project all raw data that can identify individuals will be destroyed. In the reporting of the project, no information will be released which will enable to reader to identify who the respondent was. If you have any questions or problems, please contact me. My email address is

Yours sincerely
[Tara Alsharif]

Contact details:

1. My email address
2. My supervisor’s contact details( )

This study has been approved by Mike @everydayupsanddowns
Are you still hoping to get a few more participants Tara?
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